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Forum Thread

Gem Exchange

Forum-Index Suggestions Implemented Gem Exchange
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 106
Posted: Fri, 27/03/2015 04:45 (9 Years ago)
When some one accepts your offer there should be a Accept/Decline button in case you were selling Gems but some one took them
:| >:D (Y)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,188
Posted: Fri, 27/03/2015 04:54 (9 Years ago)
What he means that the user who set the gem trade up will be given a notification like

By Gem Exhange x hours x minutes ago (x seconds)
***USERNAME*** has (number of gem(s))(what)gems for you're (number of gem(s))(what) gem(s)), would you like to trade with him/her?

By Gem Exchange x hours x minutes (x seconds)
ex. Pokemonlover28 has 2 Fire gems for you're 4 Ice gems, would you like to trade with her?
Accept | Decline

He means that the user who set the trade up can accept or decline the trade

If you accept, you will trade gems with him/her

If you declined, you're gems will stay put in the gem exchange unless you want to put it down

So when you're selling gems to another user, only that user can get the gems or else if you want us to flood the GTS

and can we have a mod kindly move this to the "Trading" suggestion please?

EDIT: Unless there's an option to send like random user trade or there's a specific user to trade with