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Forum Thread

Teressahs happenings

Forum-Index Diaries Teressahs happenings
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2015 16:00 (9 Years ago)
So been on here for a while and i noticed that i get super frustrated over the smallest things! I mean this is just a website for fun...not something real to live on. So i decided to slow my time getting on this site so i can spend more time with my husband and children.

on another note, the harvest sprites are making me mad because when i ask for help on any clue as to how i could find them i get the answer of I cant tell you cuz if i do ill get banned off this site. I dont think thats fair. some people (like myself) are alittle slow and need alittle extra help to understand things.

Another reason i dont think i like it on here much anymore is people. I have encountered really rude people that will tell me that I am stupid for certain actions like auctions and my requests on GTS. If your not going to be nice then please dont say anything and leave people like me who are just trying to have fun alone.

My last note on here is that i am really determined to get all pokemon in due time. I may be alittle slower and I am not at all interested in Shineys. I just want to collect them all and have fun.