Burn just blinks "What makes you think i drank anyone's blood? I
had cakes and pies and a little fruit juice. Night got scared after
i punched him,Robin kicked me,I gave Night my energy,I fainted and
my heart stopped. Robin saved my life.".
Burn looks upset "Let me guess. I gave you false hopes? You know i
dont like drinking blood that much!" Burn licks her fangs and it
turns out it was just left over Blood Red Charry juice.
The girl gets up and limps over to robin "Hello...... My name is
Dusk Storm Wolf and i am looking for my sister Dawn Dash Wolf and
my Brother Night Wolf. Have you seen them?" Dusk looks weak and
unable to fight.
robin looked at her with wide eye's and started to frantically
shake night's shoulder.
''wake up... now.....!'' she said, keeping her eye's on dusk.
tony caught her and blinked.
he picked her up and carried her back to her house.
zen shade yawned and woke up, looking over and looking at (ES)
he sighed and walked out of the cave, leaving her a note as he went
to walk around and clear his mind.
Dusk looks around as old as robin "Can you please tell me where i
am and please tell me Dusk Rose and Dawn Lilly are not here?" Dusk
is waring a warrior dress.
Burn snores a little and it is strangely much softer then normal.
robin froze, looking sort of shocked
''i've seen twin's that had called themselves dusk and dawn...
they're somewhere around this island.. but one of them is with my
brother shade'' she asked.
her hand reached and grabbed night's chin, turning his head to see
''also your on storm island..'' she mumbled.
tony made it back to her house and sat her down in his bed, getting
down to is knee's and staying by the bed side.
he held her hand and sighed, resting his head on the bed as he
slowly drifted off into sleep.
Dusk blushes and walks away "I will leave........ I am sorry to
have bothered you two. you are still young....." Dusk walks around
the island and crys.
Dusk stops and looks at robin "It is ok. Me and Night were never
the favorites of are family. Dawn was because she has a sprite
Pokemon are family loves. she is the mighty Swoobat.".
Dusk smiles "not really. Night is bad luck and i am really mean
when i want to be. It is just are skills that they dont like much.
They still treat us nicely. just not as nicely as Dawn.".