Forum Thread
Storm Island -Invite Only-
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Storm Island -Invite Only-''cute'' she said, tugging on the tank top he had on.
zen shade nodded.
''i know.... he doesn't like it when someone trick's him like that.. i should have gotten control to warn you about that...'' he murmured, helping remix magma sit up.
tony sighed.
''sure... you know i don't really mind....'' he mumbled, reaching up with his free arm to pull down on the side of his shirt collar, giving a free spot for her to bite his neck.
Remix Magma hugs Zen Shade "Ok..... Now i know...... at lesst i scared him." Remix Magma sounds like Victory Magma.
Burn smiles "Thanks..." Burn bites Tony's neck and drinks a little blood before sinking her teeth deeper and stops drinking blood as she falls asleep.
''come on'' she said, gently grabbing his hand and pulling him along as she walked to the water.
zen shade hugged remix magma back and sighed.
''all of us can technically agree that victory magma scared us...'' he admitted.
tony scooted over just enough to where burn could lay on his bed with him and pulled her close, falling asleep as well.
Remix Magma now looks like Girly Magma "Did Girly Magma scare you?".
Burn snores a little and her Luxio tail starts to have sparks coming off it.
''i'll go get you something to wash that sand out of your mouth... don't use the sea water'' she said, running back to night's house yo grab a bottle of water.
''to be honest, no.... she wasn't, though dark shade was scared... he doesn't exactly like having unneeded makeover's....'' zen shade mumbled.
tony was sound asleep.
Remix Magma sighs "Ok. Who else scares you?".
Burn randomly shocks Tony in her sleep.
Remix Magma looks like her normal self again "Ok. I wonder if Burn will ever see her old friends again?".
Burn shocks Tony a lot and sleep talks "Get away from me!".
''i'll be waiting for you in the water...'' she murmured, heading toward's the ocean.
zen shade shrugged.
''burn's friend's could be here since voodoom's been testing the island......'' he muttered.
tony rolled back over, now fully awake and gripped her hand gently.
''burn... calm down..'' he mumbled.
Remix Magma smiles "Ok. what type of problems do you think will happen?".
Burn punches Tony "I said leave me alone you monster!" Burn snores a littl.
zen shade laid back on the ground and sighed.
''i have no clue..'' he mumbled.
tony sighed and pinned both of her hand's to the bed, carefully pulling the collar of her shirt down and gently sinking his fang's into her neck.
he drank a little bit of her blood and pulled his fang's out of her neck, sitting up and rubbing his eye's.
Remix Magma kisses Zen Shade "Ok. Wow the others were right! you are cute!".
Burn wakes up and looks at Tony"I felt you drink some of my blood. What happened while i was dreaming of fighting spark?".
''not always night.. you could have just tripped on something without even seeing it'' she said.
zen shade's eye's widened a little and he blushed furiously, blinking a little in surprise.
''you were shocking me and when i tried to tell you to calm down you punched me.... that's when i had enough of being a punching bag... i did the only thing that could possibly get you awake, and it worked'' tony laughed.
Remix Magma blushes "All your forms are cute...... but i kinda need some time away from Dark Shade.".
Burn giggles "Ok well That is not a odd thing for me. It is Uncommon but not odd. It has been this way since i had this strange illness from EverSnow called a Death Dream.".
''ow... at least it's sand and not dirt or concrete....'' she grumbled.
''wouldn't that be easy..'' zen shade muttered, looking down at the ground with his eye's closed.
''death dream....?'' tony asked in curiosity.
Remix Magma makes 2 swords show up in her hands "So do any of the Shades now how to sword fight?".
Burn nods "Death Dreams can only be cured by a type of flower you must eat. Death Dreams can kill you but the worse does not come tell after the Dream...... if you live of course. If you live past the dream you get some type of poisoning from the Dream and you need the Flower to cure you.".
''come on.. let's just go swim'' she said, trying to sound cheerful for night's sake.
''enough of the fighting for a bit....'' zen shade muttered, laying flat on his back on the ground.
''and what's this flower called...?'' tony asked.
Remix Magma sighs "Do any of them do sword dancing? Sword skill challenges? anything to do with swords?".
Burn sighs "I forget but it only grows on top of Mt.Lost In Time. The Icy Tribe lives all around Mt.Lost In Time.".
''if you want to head back to your house then go ahead... not like i'll enjoy swimming alone that much...'' she grumbled, now suddenly in a bad mood.
zen shade rubbed his forehead and sat back up.
''not that i can think of right now remix magma... i'm sorry.. you'd have to ask shade himself, but right now he's wanting to be alone inside the wimpy shell he call's his side's, but hey.. it's his loss for not wanting to spend time with the kindest girl around..'' he sighed, looking away from remix magma as he spoke.
''hm... well, i used to take care of some flower's in a hidden grotto here on the island, maybe they're the one's your talking about'' tony said.
Remix Magma makes her swords disappear and then hugs Zen Shade "Ok well at least i am with the sweetest guy around.".
Burn sighs "i believe it was called something like EverFrost flower but i am not sure. it is vary rare because it only grows on one place on EverSnow so it is unlikely it would grow here. Lucy thing it is believed that you can only get the Poison after the dream once. Death dreams can happen at any time.".