Mine was Ruby. I pride myself in teaching myself how to play the
game, because I didn't have a manual. My friend just gave me the
cartridge. I have Pokèmon Conquest and White, too. And when I'm
rich, I'm going to get Heart Gold and the old DS that can transfer
the Pokèmon from the old games and put them all on X and Y. Because
now, my parents say that having four gaming consoles is too many,
so I'll have to make do with my Gameboy and DSI.
The 1st Pokemon game I ever played was Pokemon Black. I play it on
a DSI. I saw it on a commercial and I thought it would be fun. I
had no idea what Pokemon even was so I tried out the game and loved
it. I have been playing it ever since. I want to get a 3ds to play
Pokemon X/Y on, but it is way too expensive. I'm saving up for
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
If life isn't fair, how do we laugh? If life isn't fair, how do we
win? How do we smile? Just admit it. Life is fair, and you just
want an excuse to be pessimistic. >:) -Xerneas
Wellll. To be honest, I watched my older cousin, played Red and
Blue. I tried them out under his watch, (XD) Afterwards I tried out
Gold and Silver, under his watch also. Afterwards I told my mum to
buy me a Gameboy advance SP. I got that in my birthday, I scream
out my lungs once I got that Gameboy, which along that my dad
bought me Pokemon Firered. Damn.. The starter I chosed was
Bulbasaur, my first caught pokemon was pidgey. <3