Snowspirit spotted the squirrel in a blink of an eye, she crouched
and crawled towards it, she pounced on it and to finish it off she
did a death bite, ''There we go!''
Quietly Emeraldbreeze crouches, eyes worried and round. "Great
Starclan! We shouldn't have split up!" She whispers, watching the
black and white shape grow closer.
Shadowstar follows Emeraldbreeze's sent -Great starclan!- She yowls
and the badger looks at her. -Its very young- Then it runs.
Shadowstar grabs her prey and starts to camp with a yowl "LEts go
to camp now!"
Warrior name: Leopardfang
Description:Has sleek fur, blue white tipped tail and paws, very
very faint brown stripes, has long legs, has blue eyes.
Behavior:funny,sarcastic,loyal, and easily annoyed.
Kin/friends: (Optional)
Rank: Med cat
Age/moons: 25 moons old
Warrior name: Mangopaw (Mangofeather)
Behavior: Kind, smart, and quick. Can be mean when needed.
Rank: Med cat app.
Age/moons: 13
If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for
a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
Warrior name: Foxfall
Gender: male
Description: (Image or well described) a black cat with a light
grey tail tip and underbelly and muzzle also with yellow eyes
(looks like a cat with the pattern of a black and light grey
Behavior: a rude cat but with a soft spot for kits and queens.
Doesn't care about most cats only his friends
Kin/friends: (Optional) shadowstar, snowpirit (friends)
Rank: warrior
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
Shadowstar checks the Shadedclan border -Nothing.- She remarks the
boundary and heads to the Splashclan border and remarks that one
too, glad that their is no trouble on either -Shame the clan is so
small... Oh well, it'll grow.-