Stormkit starts to shiver a little bit, and casually brings her
eyes upwards to see the two. Cringing, she realizes that they're
right there, and probably just saw her move. Oh well... I'm
freezing anyways. She sits up and waves to the two before
jumping down, fluffing out her fur.
(Yeah. Honestly it's not impressing me all that much xD)
Stormkit smiles a little. "Wow! That must have been really hard! I
jumped out of my hiding spot! Her voice is sarcastic, but not mean.
She heads over to the two, and shivers again. "It's COLD in there!"
She says, her voice shaking slightly
"Dur it's almost leaf-fall," Lynxkit grumbled holding on Lightkit's
tail so she wouldn't go and bounce around. (Changes their
personalities) "Leaf-bare. It's leaf-bare!" Lightkit yelled annoyed
slightly by her sister.
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
Stormkit smiles again and shrugs. "W-well" She says, shivering
again, "I'm gonna go warm up in the nursery. We can continue later,
if you guys want." She heads to the nursery, sprinting to warm up a
(Ehehe Ikik)
Emeraldbreeze fluffs out her light fur and bounds from the
Highrock, heading to the Splashclan border, not expecting trouble.
To keep herself warm, she sprints to the first marker.
"The rocks!" Lightkit squeaked sitting in the moss nest.
Being all mad and stuff Cloudfur returns to camp and eats a mouse
angerly. Then goes to sleep well tries and pushes Angelwing away
from Tigerstorm's tail so he could sleep. Feeling cold from his new
spot Angelwing turned back to her last spot trying to ignore her
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
Brightfall pretends to look surprised. She pulls it off quite well.
"Wow! What a great hiding spot! I'm surprised that you managed to
find hr, and that she managed to find such a great place to hide!"
She says, seeming as if she means it.
Tigerstorm looks up, waking up from Cloudfur's heavy pawsteps. She
yawns, glaring at Cloudfur for a second, then wraps her tail
tightly around herself, falling asleep fast.
(Shh Tigerstorm never fell asleep. You've been living a lie
Bothered by the noise outside, Tigerstorm pads outside. "What
happened?" She asks stifling a yawn. Her eyes are round and
Tigerstorm's eyes widen in terror. Surprisingly her voice is calm
when she says, "Search the camp." She leaps out of camp, following
Lynxkit's scent trail. She loses it quite fast and snarls in fury,
running around where she lost it, sniffing furiously.