I wonder when I'll get my next lesson from Olivepool.
Mangopaw thought, not pacing back and forth in the middle of camp.
Catmint, Cobweb... Juniper... He was thinking over herbs
that he had learned of. Oh! And Poppy seeds...
Mintstar woke up in a dark place with dead trees. She realized that
she was in... The Dark Forest. A brown tom walked up to her.
"Minttail... Its been so long..." The tom said with a smirk on his
face. "I'm not Minttail anymore. I'm Mintstar now." She
corrected him. "Ah, i see. Your now the leader of Frostclan.."
"You look the same, Badgerclaw." Mintstar mewed. "Oh, i thought
you've forgotten about me. Well, then again, a sister never
forgets her brother." Badgerclaw mewed mockingly. "Now, you shall
pay... For outshining me. You were always so perfect. Everybody
loved you. Nobody loved me. And of course, you managed to become
leader." He hissed, claws unsheathed. Badgerclaw leaped at
Mintstar, pinning her to the ground. He clawed her throat, and
Mintstar lost her second life. Mintstar then woke up, bleeding with
deep wounds.
Olivepool saw Mintstar. "OH dear!" She ran back to her den, started
chewing a polutice with some herbs, and grabbed some cobwebs.
"Mangopaw, get Mintstar in here!"
If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for
a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
"My brother.. He's in the dark forest... He...He attacked me.. I
lost my second life.." Mintstar mewed. Scarclaw ran out of the
nursery, looking at Mintstar. "Mintstar!!"
Shadeclaw walked out of the warriors den,still with a worried look
on his face.Shadeclaw walked up to Geofur.
"Still?"She asked looking at Shadeclaw.
"Yep...Is there a secret rode thats covered in snow somewhere?"He
"Not that i know of,Really."Geofur mewed.
"Oh... I wish I could have helped..." Mangopaw turned towards
Olivepool. "Okay!" Mangopaw turned back to Mintstar. "Let's go to
Olivepool's den, you can lean up against me if you want."