Valkyries then shot a Fireblast at the wall making it melt easily,
The fireblast kept melting the walls repeatedly until there was a
clear path out of the Lab. She walked through it warily, making
sure no one was following.
Name: Robin
Gender: Female
Project code name: Heat Wave
Genetically aged to: 14
Subject one: Human
Subject two: Flareon
Ability: She can cause temperatures to rise and fall, and she also
has general fire-type abilities.
Nature: Robin is generally quiet and observant.
"oh nothing you should care about,I'll tell you 4 words the
beggining of destruction"Gale said but as he said that his eyes
turned from a sky blue to a dark red.Gale was reffering to a note
that he did not read on the way to Valkeries from one of the people
who did the expariments saying The failed Dragon Strife experiment
had gone through very powerful sources of power and if the fusion
would ever be released from capture it would destroy all it
sees,though Gale did not read it so he didnt know then gale shot a
fusion attack tri-impact (tri-attack +giga impact)