(Sorry I wasn't posting, got sick and slept for most of the
Spottedpelt saw Clearpaw pad out of the medicine cat's den. "Hey
sis." He meows. "You always call me sis." She pouts. "Sorry, kinda
became a habbit." He nervously chuckles.
(thats ok :3)
Bloodstar sighed "Its alwas lonley being a leader"she looked at the
ground "Is it my name..or is it because im not good at doing first
Brownkit went into the nursery to see autumnkit. She wasn't there
but her brothers, swiftkit and orangekit said that she went to the
main area, to watch apprentices and their mentors.
"No thanks i acually went hunting a while ago"she looked up at
thistlepelt "i acually went hunting two times"she stood up
"Although i wish there was something to do other than hunting"
Ravenclaw poked at Thristlelpelt. He poked her back like facebook
when you poke someone and they like poke you back in like a second
"yeah that happened.."
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
(*starts dusting the place* this place is very dusty *coughs*)
"Hm... I don't know..." Brownkit purred
"I like the name Autumnwind..." Autumnkit mewed.
Bloodstar layed down "It really is boring being leader..." she
thought for a moment "I-Im going back to my den" she slowly stood
up, and walked into her den "I'll just stay here"