alice sat across from snow and snowflake sat in alice's lap,
sitting perfectly like she was getting ready to eat, her paw's up
on the table politely and looking up at alice.
''you silly dragon...'' alice chuckled, rubbing the dragon under
the chin.
Isabelle took a seat next to Alice, Chase waking at the smell of
food. He climbed off her shoulder and spread across the table after
a brief growl at Snow. Isabelle sighed and turned to the waiter to
order. "I'll just have a BLT and a water," she said.
snowflake rested her head down on her paw's and huffed, sending a
small puff of smoke into the air.
alice swatted at the smoke that snowflake made until it
''really snowflake.....?'' she asked her dragon.
her dragon looked up at her with innocent icy blue eye's.
"Well first we teach you combat, then teachers swap students, then
magic, and while we are teaching magic the dragons learn how to fly
and other stuff, then we teach you how to fly"
''also we can't exactly ride our dragon's yet, they are still just
little hatchling's'' alice laughed a little, holding snowflake
snowflake had a very unamused look on her face.
alice sat snowflake down back into her lap and looked at snow.
''pink serah talon....?'' she asked, sounding like she never heard
of that kind of species of dragon.
Before Isabelle could react, Chase practically tore apart her
sandwich and devoured the bacon she promised him. She let out a
small, slightly forced laugh as she put her sandwich, full of claw
marks, back together and began to eat.