Forum Thread
|| Pokemon High || (Invite Only)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → || Pokemon High || (Invite Only)Name: Skylar Grace Winters
Age/Level: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Skylar is a 5' 5", scrawny built teen. She is a cubone Gijinka. Her hair is a golden blonde mess of layers that ombres into an almost orange hue. Her eyes, although often not seen, are a dark hazel. She wears a Cubone mask almost always and carries a small bone. Her style is quite varied although it is usually just an oversized t-shirt and some jeans.
Club/Group: She's not apart of any
Personality: Skylar is very shy and anti-social. She doesn't start conversations with others unless they do first, and even then she is often reserved and gives only a few words answer. She is only talkative around Ryan. Skylar is very sweet and protective to those who hold her heart. She is a bit dorky, considering she loves learning, and is a bit clumsy as well. She is always in the mood to cuddle and is fascinated by the world in more ways than one.
Hobbies: Reading, sketching, cuddling
Crush: ---
BF/GF: She is dating Ryan
Accessories: A cubone mask and a small bone club.
Other: She's a lesbian. ///w
Name: Ryan Storm Jackson
Age/Level: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ryan is about 5' 7". She is a Mawile Gijinka. Ryan has pitch black pin straight hair with white streaks painted randomly throughout it. The back of her head consists of the large mouth that Mawile's normally have. Her eyes are a simple silvery blue. Her style is a basically anything she feels like wearing that day as she has no preference on certain clothes.
Club/Group: She's not apart of any
Personality: Ryan is a very show-off type of female. She is aware she is 'hot' to guys and will use that to her advantage, even though she is not attracted to them. She is easily distracted and much prefers listening to music than listening to her teacher. She is a trouble maker, often bringing Skylar into her troubled schemes and protests about school issues. Unlike Skylar, she will speak her mind and isn't shy to tell the world everything about herself.
Hobbies: Listening to music, causing trouble, eating.
Crush: ---
BF/GF: She is dating Skylar
Accessories: I guess you could call the Mawile mouth out the back of her head an accessory? >w<
Other: She's a lesbian as well. ///w