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| Emera Academy |

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions | Emera Academy |
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 667
Posted: Sat, 21/02/2015 17:33 (10 Years ago)

Maymari is helping me with the fic! .3.

| We are always accepting new students! |

Chapter 1

Emera Academy, A place where lots of different pokemon can study and have some fun together.

??? - So, this is Emera Academy, eh? I bet i will meet lots of interesting 'mons here!
Said the female braixen with a black dress and a everstone collar, the name is "Amour".

Amour - Room 221, Room 221. Ah, here it is!
She entered the room and saw a Mienfoo.

Amour - (She's my roommate? She looks nice.)

??? - Eeeh?! Oh, hello there, you're my new roommate, correct? I'm May!
May was a female mienfoo with a expert belt, i think she like sports.

Amour - Yes, yes i am... So, can you show me the Academy soon? I'd like to know more about this place.

May - Sure! If you want you can join a club too...

Amour - Clubs? Maybe later!

Amour went for a walk in the Emera Academy with her new roommate, May.

Amour - Oh look, a library! Can we stop by? I'd like to take a look!

May - Sure, um... See ya soon, Amour. Take care.
She walked away.

Amour were looking for some interesting comics...

??? - Can i help you with something?
Said a cute-looking glaceon. The name is Lizzie!

Amour - Um sure... I'm new here, eheh, i'm Amour.

Lizzie - Nice to meet ya! The name's Lizzie! So, what are you looking for?

Amour - I don't even know...

Lizzie - You can come with me if you want! I will go to the cafeteria, to eat something!

Amour - Eeeh sure. I'm always hungry!

The two went to Emera Academy's Cafeteria. Wow, there are lots of different 'mons here...

Amour - Do you know someone here? I's like to meet some new 'mons!

Lizzie - Um, sure, let me see... I think you can be great friends with Pyxel!

Amour - Pyxel?! Who is this "Pyxel"?

Lizzie - That Shiny Sylveon over there, let's go and sit with she! Poor Pyxel, she's alone...

Pyxel - ... Hey Lizzie, who's that?

Lizzie - She's Amour, my new friend?

Amour - (Friend?! I think i'm getting along very well with she... She is a... Great friend!?)

Amour - Um, hello, Pyxel!

Pyxel - Ooh so YOU are the newbie everymon were talking about!

Amour - Wha-Whaat? Everymon is talking about ME?

Pyxel - Ahaha~. No, i just wanted to make some fun of you, it's how i treat the newbies!

Amour - (I don't think i will get along great with this one!)

Lizzie - Pyxel! Why are you acting like this!?

Pyxel - Oops, I'm sorry, eheh. I just wanted to have some fun. Nice to meet you Amour.

Amour - Eeek. Nice to meet you too?

Lizzie - So... What do you guys wanna eat?

Amour - Anything is fineee...

Pyxel - ...

Lizzie - I will order some tacos!

Pyxel - ... Sure.

Amour - Okay theeen...
Amour and her new friends ate the tacos together and started talking about clubs... Amour were a little bit confused since she were new...

Amour - Oh heeey! It's time to go, i guess. Nighttime. Bye!

Lizzie and Pyxel - Eeeh, Bye!

Amour came back to Room 221.

May - Um??? Oh, hi! And good night.

Amour - Um? Good night...
They went to sleep...

| That's it for now im so lazy to do something else, maybe tomorrow i will write moreeeeeeeee...So, what do you think about it? ouo |
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Sat, 21/02/2015 17:40 (10 Years ago)
loved <3
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Sun, 22/02/2015 18:41 (10 Years ago)
The story was cool! I cant wait for more!

interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 07/03/2015 00:40 (10 Years ago)
Chapter 2 - A new beginning

A ray of bright sunlight hit a asleepy Braixen, making she turn her head like trying to escape from morning.
"Suuun lemme sleppz..." Amour said over her breath hiding the face under the , but loud enough so her roomate's skilled ears could listen. "Wake up." A soft, familiar voice said. Tapping a white shoulder hidden in blanket.

Without any reply.

"I'm serious, wake up." she can hear well, but patience wasn't one of May's skills. "You will be late for school on your first day!" "More... five minutes hnng..." The yellow fox said lazily, more sleeping than awake. 'Okay, you asked for it lassie'.


Cold wind blew smoothly on the pink fur, making it tremble a bit. At early morning, a student going to the first school day, gasping with the view. Was a big school, full of Pokemons talking, laughing, reading and walking everywhere. The divided tail contort in anxiety.
'No, no worry needed, everything will be okay there, just act naturally. You worked hard to get here' Those thoughs kept the cat relaxed. Walking to entrance more calmly.

'They say my specie is the symbol of a new morning, of a new beggining. And that's not in vain, you can do it.' sighed.

A much, much revolted fox wasn't having the same feeling, tho.

"I know"
"You didn't let me another choice, and by the way... It's a quarter to eight, better hurry up unless you want to get late." The mienfoo said, still on her calm tone.
Amour's ruby eyes wide-opened, then dashed to get ready at time.

May snorted 'that girl is going to have some time problems'. Now. Time to clean this messy room, she is lucky that my school start after hers...

End of chapter 2

"Never gonna know if you don't ever try"