Forum Thread
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and death
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and deathTorch: Let's put it like this: The father of mismagius was mad with power, just like Venom. Her father was a Spiritomb. We battled. I tossed his father to the sky and Finished him with a Wide Slash. Now, Mismagius came back to kill me.
Mismagius: AND I WILL. WAAAAH! *uses Hyper Voice*
Torch: Ugh *resists the Hyper voice*
Pumpkaboo: Peekaboo! *uses Trick-or-Treat on Torch and mismagius (doesn't work on mismagius LOL) and goes away singing*
Torch: Wht the...
Garde: Good! Now You can evade every attack from Mismagius.
Torch: Okay, Mismagius, Remember I only do this to protect my friends. *Jumps in front Mismagius and uses flamethrower on her*
Mismagius: WAAAAAAH! *sets on fire*
Torch: Um... *throws some water to mismagius* Are you okay? ._.
Mismagius: HOW DO YOU THINK I'M OKAY, YOU PIECE OF... I mean, Yes, I'm okay... *walks/floats away*
Torch: What. Just What...
Garde: I don't knooow...
Melody: *Awakes* Let's celebrate with Tea and marshmallows!
Garde: No marshmallows for you.
Melody: Whyyy? D:
Garde: Remember what you said in the jail?
Melody: ... Yes, I was really dizzy since I ate the marshmallows, hehe...
Garde: No marshmallows.
Trek: About the dizzy ones... Where's Arthur?
Aegis: *shows up out of nowhere with Arthur in his... um... Hands?* Here.
Trek: Is he dead? O_O
Aegis: No, he is still sleeping.
Melody: *pokes Arthur* Arthurrr >_<
Arthur: *asleep* 5 more minutes...
Delphy: WAKE UP.
Arthur: *awakes* ah-ugh-huh I'm awake! I'm awake!
Arthur: Terrible... I dreamed a Ghost was attacking Torch... Wait, Was it REAL?
Torch: Yep
Melody: TEA.
Garde: *gets tea out of nowhere* Let's drink!
Torch: But no so much!
Arthur, Delphy, Melody, Garde, Trek: *laugh*
Melody: Wait, why are we laughing?
Xernata- You two are a perfect couple out here.
Mifie- Maybe I can find my husband-to-be in this near future...
Xernata- I'm not interested in any...
Mifie- Oh, I want that tea, please! And you, Madam?
Xernata- Maybe black tea, thank you.