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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and death

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and death
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 19:00 (11 Years ago)
(I keep think Myra has a British accent for some reason)

Romi: I'm still a little lost at what what I'm supposed to do.

Myra: Like I said, we are going to send Drake and you into evil guy's army while me and-

Romi: I don't want to hear you babbling for twenty minutes again. And by the looks of it, Drake doesn't even know about this secret plan you came up with either

Myra: I didn't come up with it..... sort of...... but the main thing what I want to do is blind their whole army in a Leaf Storm.

Romi: Are you forgetting that all psychic-type pokemon cannot use any of their moves? You will be useless as a Magikarp!

Myra: Stop ruining my fabulous dreams. T^T

Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 20:00 (11 Years ago)
Melody: I HAVE A PLAN! Some psychic type pokemon will hide in the camper. So everyone else will kill all those pesky Dark types. Then, when we get to Arthur's brother, all psychic types in the camper will get out of the camper and use their most powerful psychic type attacks after someone uses Telekinesis.

Torch: ... What ...

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 20:01 (11 Years ago)
Drake stood up, and growled at Arthur
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 20:39 (11 Years ago)
Arthur: *with the "Royal Canterlot Voice" * YOU WILL STAY HERE IN THE VILLAGE.

Garde, Melody, Torch and Trek: O_O

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 21:29 (11 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 21:31 (11 Years ago)
Arthur: *growls* Dark types are only cowards!

Torch, Garde, Melody and Trek: O_O

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 21:33 (11 Years ago)
Drake growled back, and used night slash on Arthur, then dashed off to find the army of darkness
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 21:36 (11 Years ago)
Myra: Oh....my.......
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 21:43 (11 Years ago)
-in the village-

Arthur: *dodged the Night Slash and growled like a Lion*

-in some dead trees-

???: Looks like someone is alone, Mommy... he he he...

???: Well Vullaby, we have Dinner served in a Silver Plate...

Vullaby: Yes, mother Mandibuzz...

Mandibuzz: Time to attack!

*Both Mandibuzz and Vullaby use Rock Smash repeatedly on Drake*

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 21:44 (11 Years ago)
Drake dodged the attacks, and growled "I'm a friend!"
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 21:52 (11 Years ago)
Mandibuzz: *crooked grin* No! You are our dinner *Uses Aerial Ace on Drake, knocking him on the ground* Now, little Vullaby, which part do you want?

Vullaby: I want to keep his tail *evil laugh*

???: *hidden in a bush... Yeah, everyone hides in bushes* That zorua is in danger!

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 22:27 (11 Years ago)
Drake roared, then sat down
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 23:21 (11 Years ago)
Mandibuzz: Well, dinner, say goodbye to your friends *makes an evil laugh and uses Brave Bird*

Arcanine: *jumps out of the bush* NO! *holds mandibuzz with his fangs and tosses her away* Why don't you mess up with someone at your own size?

Mandibuzz: *Makes an uproar* Didn't your mother teach you to not mess between someone and her dinner? *tries to use uses Snarl*

Arcanine: *blocks every hit, activating Justified ability* Take... THIS! *uses Giga impact on Mandibuzz*

Mandibuzz: KWAH! *faints*

Vullaby: *looks at Mandibuzz* Mommy! *looks at Arcanine* HOW YOU EVEN DARE!

Mandibuzz: *holds vullaby* Leave him alone, Vullaby, he doesn't worth it... Now lets go away *Flies away with Vullaby*

Arcanine: Are you okay, little Zorua?

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 23:23 (11 Years ago)
Drake was shocked, and felt embarrassed that somebody protected him. He looked at the Arcanine, and nodded "Yes, i'm fine"
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 05/01/2014 23:35 (11 Years ago)
Arcanine: *Nod* Well, don't forget, when you are going to die, I will always be there to protect you *puts his hat on Drake's head and runs to the sunshine at Lone Ranger's style*

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 583
Posted: Mon, 06/01/2014 01:54 (11 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Mon, 06/01/2014 06:22 (11 Years ago)
Myra: *jumps out of different set of bushes* Whoohoo! That was certainly most splendid, what you did there!

Romi: Myra, we're supposed to stay hidden >_<

Myra: Oops...... *floats back to the village*
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Mon, 06/01/2014 06:35 (11 Years ago)
Mifie was still hiding in a bush, waiting for a further instruction from the king.

Xernata was left out.

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Mon, 06/01/2014 07:08 (11 Years ago)
Arthur: If anyone wants to stay here, Stay here. The others, COME WITH ME *makes some Tauros pull the camper (Inside the camper: Aggron, Lucario, Aegis, Empoleon, Probopass, Bastiodon, Excaladrill)*

Torch: We better get equipment. *puts 10 bags FULL of Reviver seeds on the camper*

Garde: *looking at Torch* ...

Torch: What? It's not like if I have no hope on the team <_< >_>

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Mon, 06/01/2014 08:31 (11 Years ago)
"I'd rather go." Mifie said, walking after the parade "I don't know how Espi is doing, I'm worrying about her."

"Bring this with you" Xernata called, throwing some bags in the camper "They are various berries, like Oran and Pecha. You'll need some remedies, too"

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...