Pokemon from the village
Name: Venoma
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Arbok
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Glare, Disable, Scary Face, Dragon Tail
Username: Claus
Image from it:
What do the Pokemon do?: Venoma was once a traveler, but found this
village and has stayed ever since. She is a trader, but not a
*Gasp.... gasp...* "I`m..... almost there........" *Gasp* "I....
can see it.... the.... village...." *Gasp.... Gasp...* "I`m...
too... tired... to.... go... on...." *Collapsed on the ground*
I started to investigate the outside of the village. I was traveled
for a while and all of a sudden I found someone who had fainted on
the ground. Then I Shouted as loud as I can, that the other ones in
the village would hear it. "Hey! Please come help! Someone has
fainted here!"
I suddenly heard someone shouting, it was Fokko. Then I said to
others. "Fokko is shouting! and she needs help, someone has fainted
near the village!"
Myra *Pulls fainted figure to the camp* Are you ok, darling?
Oh dear.... Somebody please go get a berry to cure this young one.
Here, drink some tea. It is a cold night and you need something to
warm you up.
// Look at the first page! He is my new Character ;3
"It can`t be.... I know who he is! He is Shadow, one of my old
friends. He is a Shiny Umbreon.... Hey! Shadow can you hear me?!
Please eat these berries!" I put some oran berries in front of him.
" You are very badly wounded....."
"Es....pi.... Is it..... really.... you....?" *gasp*
Venoma was asleep in her underground room that she dug on the
outskirts of the village. The odd young Arbok knew this land was
chocked full of dangerous strangers; therefor she knew she had to
prevent herself from being seen asleep and vulnerable. So, she
didn't toss or turn or snore in her sleep, and she could do so
because her father was a skilled bandit and taught her well enough
how to survive in the world.
Wow, you have pretty eyes, I thought as I helped Shadow sit
up. He groaned a tiny bit and made me hesitate to do anything else.
I nervously poured him a cup of tea and handed it down. There was
that feeling that I should do something....... I took a glance at
his eyes again. My heart almost melted to see so much pain in those
eyes. Blush rose up my neck. I quickly looked away and started to
pick up leaves around me. They were starting to run out. I used
leaf storm towards the beach at the edge of the town. The tornado
burst into pieces, sending leaves flying everywhere. I picked up
the leaves, a sharp thin stick, and some roots. I sat down next to
Shadow. Carefully, I used confusion to connect all the root pieces
together. It made one big string. Perfect! I thought as I
inserted the 'string' into a small hole on the stick. After making
a knot, I started to sew the leaves together. Within a few minutes,
I made the blanket long enough to cover part of Shadow's body. I
lied it on top of Shadow and continued sewing.