The strange chespin looks scared "My name is Peanut 3 or Glitch
Peanut! i am looking for peanut 1 AKA Error Peanut! i believe she
is part of them so if she is i am one!" Hack Peanut looks ultra
Glitch Peanut takes the hit and smiles "I am not a grass type
silly. i am not even sure my friend is one of them. befriend me and
i could be a great member of the team....... if you talk 2 other of
the peanuts in to joining. if you get all 6 you may just have a
Pokemon so strong we fight armys!" Glitch peanut runs up to dark.
Glitch chespin looks mad "It is too late for that! my Internet Wave
link told them now that it is up.............. now it is not
working again....." Glitch sighs "Good thing they dont know if they
are good or bad.".
Wave and MPL show up near dark "Ok we dont care any more! your real
name is tim and you helped the rebels just like us! you once had a
friend you truly liked! you even saved her a few times! her name
was snow! In our book you could be called the leader of them!".
Glitch Peanut looks puzzled "What?".
Tim sighs and looks away "You just want me always
have...I won't believe something like that. My name is Dark and I'm
nothing but A lowly grunt..." Tim clenches his fist "And making
such a lie....... I thought you were better then that."