Forum Thread
Pokemon Shop (Closed)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Pokemon Shop (Closed)Let me start with the rules

1. All PH rules apply
2. No rushing
3. Please do not use 'Compare' function of Pokedex page.
4. Please subscribe until you get the pokemon
5. Prices are fixed
6. Please offer the same number of pokemon you are willing to buy, so that I can accept your offer on GTS. (e.g. offer 3 pokemon back if you are buying 3 pokemon, plus the PD for payment)
7. You have 3 days to offer on the pokemon on GTS
8. Please inform me after editing your post (By posting another post). Or you can also make a new post.
9. Please tell me if you want pokemon with everstones (Especially pokemon that evolve through trading)
10. Please say "Thanks for the trade" in your post (For me to know that you have read the rules ^^) or else trade will not be carried out.
I sell pokemons from this, this, this, this, this, this and this boxes.
Price list

Additional price factors:
Genderless pokemons - 40% more than the price of its rarity (not included for Unowns)
Rare Gender pokemons - 30% more than the price of its rarity
Easy - 500 PD
Medium - 1,500 PD
Hard - 2,500 PD
Starter - 3,500 PD
Rare - 5,000 PD
Unowns - 10,000 PD
Special - Offer (Since it depends)
Event - Offer
Thanks for using this shop ^^
Wynaut 1500
Stunky 1500
Gulpin 1500
female gligar 2500
slakoth 1500
nuzleaf 1500
2x gothita 3000
inkay 1500
spoink 1500
nincada 2500
Flabébé (White) 1500
that would be 20k in total if i'm not wrong. : D
Thanks for the trade ouo
For 3000 PD?
Thanks for the trade