Forum Thread
Warriorcats: Ruby Emerald and Platinum clan
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Warriorcats: Ruby Emerald and Platinum clanIf you haven't read the warrior books you should it'll teach you more about what to do
Platinum clan:

A clan like thunderclan its ancestors were from thunderclan and then came to the mountains and built a new home They're barely making it because of how scarce the prey is
Ruby clan:

Like platinum clan there ancestors are from thunderclan but the two teams split due to fighting and became there own clans Ruby clan is more like shadowclan now and will steal prey from other territorys if needed for there kits
Emerald clan:

This clan was here before platinum and ruby clan came to the mountains they know every area and will try to get rid of ruby and platinum clan whenever they can
Weather: Sunny and warm Prey is more plentiful theres not a lot of snow
Season: Late newleaf
The cabin
A hunter lives there he has 2 dogs and sets up traps around the woods in the mountains
Platinum clan territory
There territory is mostly trees the camp has one big tree in the middle and in the back of camp is a cave where it splits into 3 areas one for the leader the other for the medicine cat and the last is the nursery The rest of the camp is smaller and the warrior and apprentice dens are made out of leaves twigs and rocks mostly and a bush
Ruby clan territory
There territory is just a lot of plain and hill-like terrain there camps entrance is a cave then it leads up and into another cave with a hole in the ceiling so there is sunlight the dens are just rocks overhanging the sleeping area's for each den
Emerald clan territory
They live underground through a bunch of abandoned badger and rabbit holes they've dug it out a lot and blocked up any tunnels that look dangerous there dens are just a bunch of rooms with dirt walls there territory above ground is mostly trees with a small stream running by not to far from camp
The meeting place
Every moon the cats of all 3 clans gather around a tall tree stump the 3 leaders go up there and talk to the clans about whats going on
The Large stream
A large stream goes through each territory and is full of fish but its dangerous for kits
The town
There is a small town farther down the mountains its easily accessible
High point
The smallest mountain in the area new warriors leaders and medcats/medcat apprentices journey there to share tongues with starclan by sleeping next to a crystal sheltered by a cave
1. No godmodding
2. No killing someones cat(s) without there permission!
3. follow the warrior code (Do not kill kits especially)
4. Try to have basic spelling (Nothing like "Lol" Or "Brb" Because cats dont talk like that and dont spell badly like "Hi ma nam is firpow")
Note: You may be a leader of only 1 clan (2 spots are open so you may be a leader of ruby or emerald clan)
Character name: (riverkit Clawkit treepaw etc)
Moons old:
Rank: (Kit apprentice etc)
Clan: (You can be a rogue/loner or kittypet too)
Story: (Optional)
Have you read the warriorbooks? (If you haven't you should but heres a quiz if you fail i may accept you still): Whats firepaws kittypet name? Whats a twoleg and What is a kittypet?
(I dont think i missed anything)
My form
Character name:Orange (Stormkit)
Moons old: Not even a half a moon
Rank: Kit
Appearance:Hes all orange but has gray stripes on his tail
Story: It'll be told once the RP Starts
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Character name: Bonestar
Moons old: 20. He just became the clan leader.
Rank: Leader.

Clan: Platinum
Story: In the RP.
@WinterAltaria Accepted (We may begin)
a Kittypet ran up the steep hill into the mountains with a kit in her jaws far behind her there was yelling.
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Character name: redpaw?
Moons old:1/2
Clan:Emerald clan
Story: (Optional)
(I dont think i missed anything)
Have you read the warriorbooks?no....... (If you haven't you should but heres a quiz if you fail i may accept you still): Whats firepaws kittypet name?rusty Whats a twoleg and What is a kittypet?(i knew this)twoleg:i think its a human?kitty pet:house cat.
(I dont think i missed anything)
The kittypet sniffed around and wandered into platinumclan territory she had heard storys so she quickly tried to find the camp.
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Character name: redkit?
Moons old:1/2
Clan:Emerald clan
Story: (Optional)
(I dont think i missed anything)
Have you read the warriorbooks?no....... (If you haven't you should but heres a quiz if you fail i may accept you still): Whats firepaws kittypet name?rusty Whats a twoleg and What is a kittypet?(i knew this)twoleg:i think its a human?kitty pet:house cat.
(I dont think i missed anything)
The kittypet ran around the platinum clan territory "Wheres that camp I've heard of.." She kept searching the territory sniffing for more scents that were fresh leading to there camp
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Character name: hurtpaw
Moons old:14 moons old
Rank: apprentice

Clan: Platinum clan
Story: unknown (only thing that is known is she was stolen from ruby clan as a kit)
Have you read the warriorbooks? (If you haven't you should but heres a quiz if you fail i may accept you still): Whats firepaws kittypet name? Whats a twoleg and What is a kittypet?
: a kitty pet is a cat that belongs to a two leg: a two leg is a human and firepaw's kittypet name was rusty
Character name: Bluemist
Moons old: 23 moons old
Rank: Medicine cat
Appearance: Bluemist is an off white she-cat. Her fur is always well groomed and silky smooth. She is quite scrawny and unbuilt which makes her give off a kind aura. She has one light blue/grey eye and one emerald green eye. Her ears, tail, and paws fade into a light grey. She has soft grey specks along her pelt down her back and up her tail.
Clan: Emeraldclan
Story: Too be found out during the roleplay --
Have you read the warriorbooks? (If you haven't you should but heres a quiz if you fail i may accept you still): I will admit I only read a tiny bit of Warriors: The Power of three although I have been in quite a few warriorcat roleplays and know a decent bit about it. Rusty was his name. A twoleg is what the cats call humans and a kittypet is what they call a human owned cat.
The kittypet finally found the camps entrance "Phew.." She prepared for a lot of hissing and threats when she entered She went into the camp carrying the little kit in her mouth
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs