a strange Robot like cat looks at Aurora "Who are you? why is this
Non-Cute Monster here? Answer me as i am Moon the leader of the
Iron cats! my owners tryed to kill me but i turned real and made my
kind a slave free army!" moon looks mad.
Aurora thinks "Well Im pretty sure cats are afraid of dogs, I mean
a wolf"Aurora begins to change her form into her Shadow Angel Wolf
form. She starts to growl at the robot-like-cat.
Moon giggles "That is not true at all. not for Cute Monsters any
way. i will free the thing because she just showed up here." Moon
frees Bloom. Moon giggles "i can turn human you know?" moon turns
in to a human with a scar still on one of his eyes.
moon giggles "All cute monsters can do this. you should meet melody
or maybe song. we do live in the real world.' Moon looks calm "Keep
away from Shadow. she is the pure blood queen of mean. i should
know. she tryed to kill me many times. cant a guy get a brake?"
Moon walks off as they sees that they are not on earth any more.
They see that Bloom's house is now on the Cute Monster's planet. a
5 feet tall White mouse on 2 feet walks over to them "Hi i am
Melody. i see you are new to cutel. well let me show you around.
warning we may have to fight a LOT." Melody giggles.