Forum Thread
My Fusion Sprite Gallery thing,
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → My Fusion Sprite Gallery thing,Im really just doing this for fun, so all I ask is a lil' credit if you put them somewhere? And thank you in advance !! ; v ; Now, on to ze sprites!
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My Own

Shiny Suicune + Cranidos

Why I made this one,,, no one may ever really know,
Grumpig + Nidoking

Zebstrika + Floatzel
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Suggested by Users

Suggested by lisafox248 ! Florges (Red) + Furfrou (Heart)

Suggested by Furret ! Ho-oh + Furret
( Im sorry this one is so bad. Ho-oh's design is hard to get creative with D': )

Suggested by jokar ! Ditto + Mew B )

Suggested by CyndaquilLusVan_Halen ! Xerneas + Cyndaquil

Suggested by lisafox248 ! Pichu + Tepig
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May I suggest something? .3. Cyndaquil, (Base) with Xerneas add-ons. o: