Blizzard attacks the The shadow "I dont have real use any way.".
The Shadow giggles "Spark is back!" Spark attacks them with pure
raw energy. Frost looks at Neil "Spark. bad news for me and Burn.
tried to turn us to energy for him to use." Frost looks mad at
Spark. Burn guards tim "Spark wont get you!" Burn starts to attack
Burn looks at tim "Well i am not leaving with out you. stay
together means we stay safe." Burn looks upset.Frost grabs neils
hand "lets hurry. Blizzard can handle this.". Blizzard smiles "I
just feel happy some one has hope in me for once." Blizzard keeps
attacking Spark.
Burn and the others find 4 caves all leading some where. Burn looks
at tim "We can split up here and find the other at the end ok."
Burn smiles. Frost looks at burn "I will stay with neil. i dont
want to leave him" Frost hugs neil.
Burn goes in a cave "time for a little brake. see you at the end
tim." Burn runs in the cave and slips on ice and ends up holding on
to a rock because the cave had a big hole not far from the start
"Help!". Frost looks worried "Ok now she is in danger ........
again.' Frost giggles a little. Muffin follows them.