Forum Thread
~+~PokeHeroes Pokemon Ranger RP (Sign-Up)~+~
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → ~+~PokeHeroes Pokemon Ranger RP (Sign-Up)~+~
In Emera of course!
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Just fill out the form below.

Sign-up Form
Character Name:
Ranger Rank:
Partner Pokemon:
Pokemon Ranger Base Location:
Character Name:
Ranger Rank:
Partner Pokemon:
Pokemon Ranger Base Location:
Yes, We will be encountering the following villains: Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Pokemon Pinchers & Team Magma
Here are images of what each team looks like
Pokemon Pinchers, Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Magma

Username: vampelf
Character Name: Susan
Age: 18
Description: Click me
Ranger Rank: Pokemon Ranger Union Leader
Partner Pokemon: Manaphy
Pokemon Ranger Base Location: Ranger Union in Emera (next to Game Center)
Character Name: Susan
Age: 18
Description: Click me
Ranger Rank: Pokemon Ranger Union Leader
Partner Pokemon: Manaphy
Pokemon Ranger Base Location: Ranger Union in Emera (next to Game Center)
Manaphy/Ukulele Pichu - Susan
Absol - Shadow
Pachirisu - Mahir
Riolu - Natsu
Buizel - Jeff
Minun - Aura
Rattata - Joey
Munchlax - Shiloh
Plusle - Lilly
Totodile - Serena
-Game Center-
Shadow (Base Leader)
Mahir (Base Leader)
Natsu Dragneel (Base Leader)
-Royal Tunnel-
Joey (Base Leader)
-Ancient Cave-
shiloh pika (aka Pika) (Base Leader)
lilly pika (aka lilly) (Base Co-Leader)
Serena (Ranger)
-Gem Collector-
Jeff (Base Leader)
Aura (Ranger)
Susan (Leader)
It was a bright sunny day, but the ground was shaking all across the Emera region. The Ranger Union was on high alert as Earthquakes popped up in various places. "Manaphy! Mana Mana!" Susan's Manaphy said. "I know Happy....We are taking every precaution necessary...." Susan said to her partner. Just then an alarm went off and a fellow Ranger shouted, "Boss! We have a bridge collapse near the Game Center! A fire in the Tall Grass and lots of pokemon are scared! What do we do?"
Susan leaped over the railing and grabbed a radio. She tuned it to channel 1 and radioed the Game Center Ranger Base. "This is Union Leader Susan. I need all Game Center Rangers to report to a bridge collapse near the enterance of the Game Center!" she said into the radio. She then ran towards the door and yelled at the workers, "Move! Manaphy and I will take care of the fire in the Tall Grass! Jack! You're in charge until we get back!" Manaphy followed Susan closely as they ran to the tall grass.
Character Name: Jeffery (Call him Jeff, for short.)
Age: 13.

Ranger Rank: Uhmm... Gem Ranger i guess?
Partner Pokemon: Riolu. (If its already taken, then i'd like Buizel.)
Pokemon Ranger Base Location: Gem Collector.
Username: Pokemonlover28
Character Name: Aura
Age: 15
Ranger Rank:gem ranger
Partner Pokemon: minun
Pokemon Ranger Base Location: gem collector
(If 2 are allowed, I'll post the other guy)

Username: shyshy24pika
Character Name: shiloh pika/pika(her nickname)
Age: 16
Ranger Rank: Ancient Cave leader
Partner Pokemon: Munchlax
Pokemon Ranger Base Location: Ancient Cave
Sign-up Form
Username: shyshy24pika
Character Name:lilly pika/lilly(her nickname)
Age: 16
Ranger Rank: Ancient Cave co- leader
Partner Pokemon: Plusle
Pokemon Ranger Base Location: Ancient Cave