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Gabe's Journal

Forum-Index Diaries Gabe's Journal
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Thu, 25/12/2014 17:11 (10 Years ago)
Information regarding my raffle is on my last post!

Why hello !
Welcome to my journal with a terrible introduction !

My idea of making this journal was to simply give me more space in my "About me" section due the fact I have some drawings I got from friends and links to the (shiny or Mega) Pokémons I've hunted so far.

Anyway, here's some quick info about me :

Name : Gabriel
Age : 19
Country : Brazil
Occupation : Student
Favorite Pokémon(s) : Mega Gardevoir and Suicune


I do believe there's no problem posting a message here but if so, try to say regarding my "topics" and follow the PH rules, always !

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Fri, 26/12/2014 00:19 (10 Years ago)

Title: Hunts completed !

Those are the Pokémons that I, finally and fortunately, hunted so far !
I'm pretty proud of myself cx


Shiny Mareep at chain #74

Shiny Azurill at chain #39 (evolved to Marill)

Shiny Sewaddle at chain #227

Shiny Sewaddle at chain #72 (evolved to Swadloon)

Shiny Sewaddle at chain #65 (evolved to Leavanny)

Shiny Starly at chain #174

Shiny Budew at chain #74

Shiny Petilil at chain #85

Shiny Petilil at chain #46 (evolved to Lilligant)

Shiny Trubbish at chain #176

Shiny Ralts at chain #52

Shiny Ralts at chain #55

Shiny Finneon #47

Shiny Wooper #?


Mega able at chain #40

Mega able at chain #78

Mega able at chain #69


None of these Pokémons and from my others boxes are UFT or UFS unless I've stated !
I'd appreciate if I did not take messages regarding them !

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Mon, 29/12/2014 01:40 (10 Years ago)

Title: Ditto and a shiny Seviper - Great day !

I have to say I wasn't expecting this day to be great !

It all started when I decided to hunt Ponytas due the fact that are many in the Tall Grass.
Things weren't doing that great due the fact I keep failing at picking the correct bush which made me lose many, many eggs there.
I kept trying to do that for a while till I decided to check the Lab to see if there were any Ponyta eggs there but when I got there and saw the rarity of the egg on the first column was "Ditto" I was like :

I was just like that, seriously !
Thankfully, I had enough space in my party after putting my Pokémons back to my party due the fact I failed to obtain an egg in the TG.

Well, after a few hours a friend of mine posted a feed saying that he would give away his shiny Seviper but in order to be part of that "mini-raffle" you had to send him a PM with a minimum of 200 characters.
At the time, I thought "Well, why not try ? Maybe I'll win this time." and I tried with a 771 characters PM !
After waiting a few minutes, he announced the winner and it wasn't me :'(
I got sad at the time because a shiny Seviper is one of the shinies I like the most due it's color (and due the fact Seviper is my favorite Poison Pokémon) but I knew that one day I would get it but I didn't know that day would be today !
A few moments later he posted a feed saying he would give the winner sometime to claim the prize otherwise he would pick someone else and that case, I was the "other" winner !

I can't say how happy I am right now, there are no words to describe it !

That's it for today's post,

See you all later !

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 14:33 (10 Years ago)

Title: Mega Autumn Alakazam

Hello there dear use who's been reading this journal.

Well, recently a user who had a Mega Autumn Alakazam for trade/sell got locked till the 1st of January which made me feel bad because he was the only one who wanted to get rid of ("cute" way to say trade/sell it away) it so I decided to increase my offer.

I believe that now I'm really close to get that Mega so I can trade for another one and accomplish my PokéHeroes dream, fancy huh ? No ? Okay.

In case you're wondering which Mega I'm talking about, it's a :

Mega Festival Gardevoir

We have to admit that this Mega is the most beautiful and freaking amazing Mega that exist in PokéHeroes

The best part of all is that I'll trade with a user that I'm a huge fan and that make things even better !

Well hopefully I'll trade it soon and accomplish that <3
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 14:26 (10 Years ago)

Title: My Breeding Center <3

So today I finally hatched my last shiny Petili and now I have the complete evo line of it, yay ! cx
Well, that wasn't the only amazing thing that happened to me today !
Due the fact I completed my hunt, I could finally open my breeding center <33
I've always loved Pokémons and getting new Pokémons and breeding new Pokémons to see if they would be shiny or Mega or shiny Mega and .. wow !

Anyway, I'm proud of everything I've done to make it happen and that I had a dear friend of mine , Chicken, who made the banner for my shop and I have to say it looks amazing !
I wasn't expecting it to be so beautiful and she blew my mind.
In case you don't know, I've always wanted to have a breeding center and to have a Ditto so I could breed pretty much everything that's breeadble and tradeable to sell to the other users ^c^

Click here to go to my breeding center and order any Pokémon you'd like

Just remember to read the rules <3

Anyway, I hope you and your family have a happy New Year !!
May your dreams come true <3

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Sun, 04/01/2015 15:32 (10 Years ago)

Title: Not so happy

Today is being a really ... weird day.
I woke up at 07:00 A.M. and I didn't know what to do today.
I didn't want to get up, do things. All I wanted was to stay locked in my bedroom, wrapped in my sheets.

I've been through a few things in PokéHeroes and I'm getting tired of it.
Am I overreacting ? I don't think so.
The thing that has been bothering the most is the fact that some of my friends just talk with me when they need something from me, like Pokédollars, Pokémons, gems, battles and things like that.
And such thing is making me want to simply go away.

I don't care if you think I'm dramatic or if you think I'm trying to call the attention.
If I want to call the attention, I'll go ask for my parents, there's no need to do such thing with "strangers".

I'm thinking of selling all my Pokémons besides my Mega Gardevoir and my shiny Goomy so I can go away.
Well I'll think about that and come up with a decision soon.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Sat, 10/01/2015 00:10 (10 Years ago)

Title: Changes :)

Oh well, how can I start this ?
Well, after not getting the Mega Autumn Alakazam and quitting the hunt, I decided to auction a few things I had collected for the past few weeks.

I've auctioned all my Megas, besides my Mega Gardevoir, and an Articuno.
I have to say that I wasn't expecting to obtain such a big amount of PD and Nuggets for them and I'm really happy about it.

One of the Pokémon I was auctioning was a Mega able Pidgeot which was sold for Liirah.
I've set up thet trade and when she offered, I saw it was a Festival Ralts.
I got happy because Festival Ralts are really, really cute but when I saw it's profile ... it's was a Mega able Festival Ralts !!
I couldn't believe on that, I even sent her a message telling her about the offer and that she might've sent the wrong Pokémon but she didn't and I was like

After fangirling and saying "omg, omg, omg" many times in the chat with her, I could find someone who was selling a Mega Stone and Mega evolve my cutie !
Here's she !

Well, after that I got other shinies and a Mega Lucario from my previous auction and I decided to auction them again haha.

I'm glad that things changed for the best in just a few days and that I finally accomplished my last goal on PokéHeroes !!

Hopefully they'll more Gardevoirs and their Mega evolutions so I can collect them hehe
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Tue, 13/01/2015 19:27 (10 Years ago)

Title: #LastDays

There will be drama in this post, so if you don't like drama, don't read it !

Well, if you're wondering why I created the #LastDays hashtag, in this post I'll tell you the reason.

Last year wasn't such a great year for me.
I had problems in my love life (some of you do know about that), found out a person I considered as a great friend of mine told a lie to my teacher and I lost my scholarship, gave a break from college due depression and panic attacks, tried to put an end to my life several times, was called and considered as "useless" and many other things.

But even when things were bad, I had a few friends that sticked together with me and did what they could, on the way they could to help me.
Sometimes I used to think I was completely useless and that I would rather "pass away" and just walk around the Earth for the eternity.

Well, my parents, sister and friends gave me strenght to not give up on life and to keep moving foward. Thanks to them I'm still here, alive.

Anyway, I got tired of playing this game. Many things have happened that bothered me and others that made me change the way I see people, specially users who I considered as "great friends".
Those things made me lose the interest here and something I see bothers me a lot !
I congratulate Riako for coding all of this and I'm pretty sure it took him a great amout of time but it was definitely worth it.

The raffle, #LastDays, will be my "timer"/"deadline" here. When it ends, I'll leave the game.
Will it forever or for a short amount of time ? I don't know !
All I know is that I made this raffle just to have fun and make other people happy because they would get, not so expensive but, cool shiny Pokémon.

If you're reading this and have ordered a Pokémon in my Breeding Center, don't worry ! I'll finish your order before leaving, you can be sure of that.

That's all for now.
I'll ask for the Mods to lock my Breeding Center and we'll continue our lives.

Well, bye bye ! ^c^
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Fri, 16/01/2015 00:37 (10 Years ago)

Title: Decision ?

In the last two days I got quite a few messages from friends and on Ask.fm regarding the raffle #LastDays and the truth behind it.

I never meant to call the attention, those of you who know who know me can say that I'm not an attention seeker, I really don't like to call the attention.

Anyway, I apologize for all the fuss that I might've caused and I'm here to announce that I will not leave anymore.

If you think I did that to call the attention of everyone, trust me ... I didn't but I want to call the attention, I'll run naked on the street while wearing a pink wig, how about that ?

That's it for today, see ya (:
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Sun, 22/03/2015 02:13 (9 Years ago)
And I'm baaaaaaaaaaack !

Well, I took a two week break from PokéHeroes and I have to say that I missed everything here ;w;
After a while away I realized that the thing I love the most doing is hunting, it's so much fun and exciting and ... tiring, it is.

Anyway, after coming back, I realized there were new Megas, areas and stuff and I was like :

Besides the fact that I hatched four shiny Ralts in one day, I met a nice young lady that I might call it as my girl, yeah, deal with it ~

Okay so after all of this, I just meant to post this to say that I'm back and that's all !

P.S.: Will add more shinies on my list, just got quite lazy to do it and I got a new OC, you can check by clicking here !
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Sun, 22/03/2015 02:27 (9 Years ago)
*feels bad because she never knew this thing here existed* :'D

I'm sooo glad you are back here, and even more I'm glad to be called your girl <3 You make me happy :3 *pokes*

So let's see how many shinies you will hatch in future x3
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 109
Posted: Sun, 22/03/2015 02:33 (9 Years ago)
You are so lucky!!! Rub some of that luck on me!!! Also happy you is back toooo!
do it!

I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Fri, 17/04/2015 11:02 (9 Years ago)


1st tier) Regirock (Condition : lvl 200)
2nd tier) 1x Complete set of gems (Condition : lvl 250)
3rd tier) 2x Complete set of gems (Condition : lvl 300)
4rd tier) 200,000 PD (Condition : lvl 350)
5th tier) Shiny Gardevoir (Condition : lvl 400)
6th tier) Shiny Mareep (Condition : lvl 450)
7th tier) One free shiny hunt of your choice (Condition : lvl 500)


In order to get to a tier, you guys need to make Fabulous Carl to reach the certain level for the tier.
I.e. Third tier needs to Fabulous Carl to reach level 400 (all previous tiers with the prizes will accumulate)


1- You can only enter once a day.
2 - Post if on my feed regarding the raffle.
3 - Do not post here or in other feeds.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Tue, 21/04/2015 11:07 (9 Years ago)

Title: New plans, new update and one year PH birthday !

After I have no idea how many weeks, Riako has finally released the third update and I have to say : it made the game even better!
With new areas, items (omg the items), Mega (omg the Megas) and Legendaries (must .. not.. say .. omg the legendaries) this game will sure become even more addictive.
I've been hoarding boxes for over a month and opened them on the 18th of April to get a Blue Orb and a Hard Rock.
I was happy about the Orb but uncertain about the Hard Rock till I got the Landorus on the Safari Zone which made me go all happy and smiling because I caught one of the Kami trio.
Few days later, I got a Cold Rock which is the item required to find Thundurus in the Safari Zone but the only problem is to find that cutie and trust me, it isn't easy.
Other than that, I'm finally get used to the Berry Garden, making seeds and stuff.
That's truly one of the best thing to do in PokéHeroes.

Okay, other than that I decided to hunt a stupid shiny Rufflet for my girlfriend and as soon as I finish this I'll start a shiny Mega Gardevoir hunt, cool huh ?

I know it will take sometime but it's worth it and on the meanwhile, I'll sell the shinies and Mega-ables I'll get so it will be worth it.
My plan is to hatch a shiny Mega Gardevoir and a Mega Gardevoir so I can both of them, won't that me nice ? c :

I might already reserve some slots tho so keep an eye on it, if you're interested.

Also, on the 16th of April I completed my one year on this game //throws glitter
That's all c :
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Tue, 21/04/2015 23:46 (9 Years ago)

Title: [Raffle - Free Shiny Ralts spots]

Winners of my free shiny Ralts raffle :

1st) SilverStar (female shiny Ralts)
2nd) ectoBiologist (shiny Ralts)
3rd) Rini00 (any gender shiny Ralts)
4rd) Professor_Joe (male shiny Ralts, evolve to Gallade)
5th) Toothie (shiny Ralts)
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Thu, 30/04/2015 00:19 (9 Years ago)

Title: [Raffle - Free Shiny Drifloon spots]

Winners of my free shiny Drifloon raffle:

~ Froststream Done !
~ Marikot Done !

I'll actually hunt one for Lighty, one for r0ad, one for Frost (raffle winner) and one for Marikot (also a raffle winner).
If I feel like hunting one for myself, I'll do it :b

Edit: Done :'D

Other than that, I will hunt Ralts after this so I'll be selling them or giving them for free for the users on my friendlist (or to anyone else) but first the raffle winners will get theirs so I can do whatever I want with the rest.

Note: It will be completely random !
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 362
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2015 23:55 (9 Years ago)

Title: [Raffle - Free shiny hunts]

~ Pepas : Bulbasaur
~ Kingshed : Shedinja
~ Kiyomii : Corsola (female)

Will no longer do mroe raffles till I complete these hunts.
To be honest, I'm glad I have all of them scheduled up so I don't have to bother to think on which one I'll do c=