Forum Thread
The Lost Pieces Of Hope
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Lost Pieces Of HopeDash's Dream
Dash walks in Tac's home and sees her self attack tim "This is not good!" Dash crys.
Dash's dream
Shadow Dash starts attacking Dask "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Dash looks scared.
"Hopefully there wasn't any physical damage to Dash..running into a blast like that is suicidal.." Darnisk says,
"Im sure there aren't any..." Aractus says, "I just hope Arceus would forgive after all these years.."
"Poor souls....experiencing something so severe at such young ages.." The voice sighs.
"Darnisk...the moon is getting repaired?"Aractus asks,
"Yes" He replies, "Ive sent men all over to possibly find the ghost...where the things must have taken her..we must make it up for her was so cruel.."
Pokemon: Arceus
Name: Arceus
Level/Age: 60
Gender: No gender. Has a male voice.

Past: Too lazy to type it.
Username: XxToothlessXx
Pokemon: Pikachu
Name: Sparky
Level/Age: 10
Gender: Male

Past: Unknown.
Dash starts cry and scream.
Dash's dream
Dash is taken and put in a place of doom. Dash starts to cry "Where am I?" Dash sees Shadow dash and the Chair Dash is in starts to shock her. dash starts to scream.