Forum Thread
~ The ChiipS's Diary °•
Forum-Index → Diaries → ~ The ChiipS's Diary °•
[Aug 20th, 2016] → [Last Update]
~Get all Green Shinies [x]

~ Buy 60 Egg Storages [x]

~Complete my National Dex [x]

~Get all Berries on lvl 100 [x]

~ Buy 60 Egg Storages [x]
~Complete my National Dex [x]
~Get all Berries on lvl 100 [x]
~Get 2,5K Electric Gems

~Get 2,5K Ice Gems

~Get 102K Festival Points~Get 2,5K Ice Gems

Lapras Plushie

Mamoswine Plushie


[Aug 13th, 2016] → [Last Update]
~Kanto Dex
[May 09th '15]
~Johto Dex
[Jul 10th '15]
~Hoenn Dex
[Dec 23rd '15]
~Sinnoh Dex
[Mar 21st '16]
~Unova Dex
[Apr 02nd '16]
~ Kalos Dex
[Aug 18th '16]
~Johto Dex
~Hoenn Dex
~Sinnoh Dex
~Unova Dex
~ Kalos Dex
~Get 10K Flying Gem
[Apr 03rd '16]
~Get 1M PokéDollars~Get 45M Game Chips
~Get 20K Dream Points
~Get 50M Game Chips

[Sep 3rd, 2016] → [Last Update]
Hunt started: 03/09/2016

(00 Shinies hatched so far.)
GOAL: [00/02] Shiny |

[Aug 13th, 2016] → [Last Update]

You have caught -- Vivillon (???) in a row.
Hunt started: ??/??/20??
(0 Shinies catches so far.)
Amount of PokéDollars spent:

[Sep 4th, 2016] → [Last Update]
~ Kanto

Shiny: 037/151 // Green Shiny: 17/43 // Retro: 1/6 // Emera: 02/30
~ Johto

Shiny: 022/127 // Green Shiny: 06/16 // Retro: 2/7 // Emera: 00/14
~ Hoenn

Shiny: 045/154 // Green Shiny: 18/38 // Retro: 0/3 // Emera: 02/21
~ Sinnoh

Shiny: 12/138 // Green Shiny: 3/13 // Retro: 0/0 // Emera: 00/16
~ Unova

Shiny: 10/174 // Green Shiny: 6/31 // Retro: 1/1 // Emera: 00/24
~ Kalos

Shiny: 12/109 // Green Shiny: 5/5 // Retro: 0/0 // Emera: 00/11

Hunts Done: 16 | Hunts failed: 2
~ Lapras

Shiny: 2 |
~ Castform

Shiny: 19 |
~ Swinub

Shiny: 6 |
~ Lepreowth

Shiny: 1 |
~ Super Shroom

Shiny: 1 |
~ Koffing

Shiny: 4 |
~ Aron

Shiny: 4 | Mega: 2 || Hunts: 1 || [More Details]
~ Snivy

Shiny: 5 |
~ Skiddo

Shiny: 4 |
~ Solosis

Shiny: 3 |
~ Spearow

Shiny: 0 |
~ Swampras

Shiny: 1 |

[Aug 13th, 2016] → [Last Update]
~ Brazilian WhatsApp Group [x]

Gift: Shiny Pidgeot
~ vitorbacon [x]

Gift: Shiny Carvanha // Shiny Blitzle // Shiny Cubone // Shiny Buneary // Shiny Lepreowth // Shiny Meowth
~ mega~thunder [x]

Gif: Shiny Shinx
~ Maah [x]

Gift: Shiny Charmander // Shiny Teecko
~ Ampha [x]

Gift: Shiny Gastly // Shiny Fennekin // Shiny Mega Ampharos
~ Maah & Iskandar [x] [x]

Gift: Shiny Kangaskhan // Shiny Lairon // Shiny Serperior
~ Monokuma [x]

Gift: Shiny Combee
~ Alaska [x]

Gift: Shiny Shuppet // Shiny Bulbasaur (Retro)

[GC]: Game Center
[GC] ~ Raikou
- 10,000,000 
[GC] ~ Suicune
- 15,000,000 
(Total: 25,000,000)

[GC] ~ Suicune

(Total: 25,000,000)
[GC] ~ Entei
- 20,000,000 
(Total: 20,000,000)

(Total: 20,000,000)
[AH] ~ Solosis
- 250,000 
[AH] ~ Koffing
- 85,000 
[AH] ~ Shuppet
- 150,015 
[AH] ~ Banette
- 150,015 
[US] ~ Ampharos
- 125,000 
(Total: 760,030)

[AH] ~ Koffing

[AH] ~ Shuppet

[AH] ~ Banette

[US] ~ Ampharos

(Total: 760,030)
[US] ~ Flaaffy
- 125,000 
[US] ~ Mareep
- 125,000 
[AH] ~ Steelix
- 151,000 
[US] ~ Taillow
- 150,000 
[US] ~ Swellow
- 150,000 
(Total: 701,000)

[US] ~ Mareep

[AH] ~ Steelix

[US] ~ Taillow

[US] ~ Swellow

(Total: 701,000)
[US] ~ Scyther
- 145,000 
[US] ~ Scizor
- 145,000 
[AH] ~ Kakuna
- 90,500 
[AH] ~ Noibat
- 350,001 
[AH] ~ Noivern
- 350,001 
(Total: 1,080,502)

[US] ~ Scizor

[AH] ~ Kakuna

[AH] ~ Noibat

[AH] ~ Noivern

(Total: 1,080,502)
[US] ~ Teddiursa
- 155,000 
[US] ~ Ursaring
- 155,000 
[AH] ~ Agrron
- 102,500 
[AH] ~ Hitmonlee
- 205,515 
[AH] ~ Larvitar
- 170,000 
(Total: 788,015)

[US] ~ Ursaring

[AH] ~ Agrron

[AH] ~ Hitmonlee

[AH] ~ Larvitar

(Total: 788,015)
[AH] ~ Grovyle
- 171,000 
[AH] ~ Sceptile
- 165,500 
[US] ~ Gogoat
- 230,000 
[AH] ~ Chesnaught
- 155,000 
[AH] ~ Budew
- 430,600 
(Total: 1,152,100)

[AH] ~ Sceptile

[US] ~ Gogoat

[AH] ~ Chesnaught

[AH] ~ Budew

(Total: 1,152,100)
[AH] ~ Cleffa
- 130,000 
[AH] ~ Tyranitar
- 151,000 
(Total: 281,000)

[AH] ~ Tyranitar

(Total: 281,000)

And remember: you CAN'T use any of them.
WenHan from UNIQ

All of them were resized and edited by me.
The images and "gif" were found in Google Images.
Special thanks from Malkins, I saw in his Diary all his avatars and liked the idea, so I decided post it too

Thanks to CutieAnimals and Cony
~ Laprachaun


Species: Leprechaun
Rarity: Extremely Rare
Gender: male

Catch Rate: undiscovered
Nature: Jolly
Pokédex Entry:
Laprachaun keeps its treasure hidden for centuries and no one really know what this mysterious treasure is. Many histories were told about this but, no one was really close to the true


ChiipS was hunting Lapras.
Hunt started: 30/12/2014

Chain: 300
(0 Shinies hatched so far.)

Well, I believe that after waiting 300 Lapras born and none of them are Shiny, is better break this chain to start a new one. But, I want my first Shiny be a Shiny Lapras, and I will re-start this chain

Congratulations! A shiny Lapras hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #42)!