(If you dont mind i would like to add 1 more to my forums ok. here
it is.)
Name:Mega Slash v.2
Age Or Level:
Age:????? Level:90
Species Or Trainer:Mix of 10
Good Or Evil:Good
History:Was once evil but then joined Tim to beat Team Fusion. she
now hides in the shadows following tim
Other:She is some times called a little stalker
Shade talks to some trainers in the town but gets kicked out of the
Auraora slowly went out having a lab coat on having Cezor on her
shoulder walking out before noticing a mysterious person.
"Hello,who are you? You can join but I'm just making sure."Auraora
said wondering if this person was a good guy.
Mega Slash smiles hiding in the shadows following tim ~I hope he
will be ok. i will never let him get hurt!~ Mega Slash looks a
little mad and yells "You better not hurt my friend!" Mega Slash
looks worried for doing that. Shade flys back to base.
"So you have a fusion with you.... Just come in and sign this
form."Auraora said going back to the base to put Cezor up since she
couldn't go on a walk now since someone was trying to join. "That
person kinda looks like someone I meet... probally not."Auraora
though sighing.
"Well just check on the pokemon in the cage room and keep a eye on
Cezor since sometimes He flys out of the base."Auraora said
pointing at her Fearow before going into a lab to check the results
on the fusion that was created yesterday.
Mega Slash follows Auraora in the shadows ~what is she doing? if i
see any thing bad i must tell tim! after all we are
friend........." Mega Slash looks happy.
Auraora slowly went up to the chamber. "It looks like its alive
atleast.... I hope the leader is happy when his starter is finally
back..."Auraora said sighing putting some food and water into the
chamber for the kinda alive fusion they made to keep the leader's
marshtomp alive by making it a fusion.
"Well then let's see what we have hear hmm..." Tim Looks at a nail
on the floor and "accidentally" throws it into a Reuniclus's cage
The Reuniclus uses it's psychic power on the nail and used it to
pick the locks on all the cages
Age Or Level:level:28
Species Or Trainer:cyndaquill
Good Or Evil:even
History:dosent renember
Other:holds everstone and moves are
flame wheel
quick attack
flame charge
Mega Slash giggles in the Shadows not knowing it ~That is so sweet.
too bad they are evil.~ Mega Slash sits in the shadows. Shade comes
back and looks hurt.
Cezor slowly flys into the the cage room and kinda growls making
most of the pokemon go back into there cages. "Why are you trying
to let them escape? We use them to save other pokemon."Cezor said
angreyed. (Cezor is powerful then most of the pokemon in the