Tac falls down and looks really hurt "That was one big misstake i
made..........." Tac faints. Dash starts running and ends up
hitting her Shadow self. Dash and her shadow self start fighting
and it looks like they are mirroring the other.
Dash keeps fighting her shadow and so far it looks like a tie. Tac
wakes up "I think that would be best......" Tac uses Night Slash on
tim and the shadows do as well.
Draco's shadow was winning. Shadow him then used one more move, and
Draco fainted. Suddenly, there was a huge screech that everybody in
the forest could hear.
Shadow Tim does the same move on tim. Voodoom giggles "This time
you wont find her. she is a foolish young girl who you should be
happy without" Voodoom takes Dash and flees.