Tac talks to alice in her head 'I am coming for you. you wont be
left to turn evil like Bloom and Magic. i wont let it happen as
long as i live. Tim and dash need you as much as they need the
other' Tac looks worried.
Tac looks mad and mind talks to alice 'I could care less for
helping you right now but i keep getting hurt with tim and dash.
from shadows taking control of dash making her hit me to her
hitting i need a brake. i had a dream of them attacking me nearly
to death. i am tried......' Tac keeps looking.
Tac hits her head on a tree "I cant beleave i really said that to
her. now she must be mad at me or some thing" Tac hears some thing
when she hits her head on the tree again. Tac looks at the tree and
sees that this one is made of steel and there is a door. Tac opens
the door and it leads to alice but Tac sees that it is a trap for
her as well. Voodoom shows up behind Tac "I got you!" Tac is thrown
in the cage with alice.
Voodoom giggles "A little magic does big things." tac starts to see
the same things on her. Tac looks worried "With out me Tim and Dash
may kill the other because of the dreams if not stoped!" Tac crys.
Voodoom giggles "And they said we did not need you or Dash. you
have twice the power as them. now your part will be taking your
knowing of them giving us the power to stop them." Voodoom walks
Tac crys "I need Dash and Tim to be with me! i am the one who
ripped the book of yang in half. i know it is the book of darkness
thanks to the shadow in Dash.........." Tac looks sad. Voodoom
attacks Draco by making a shadow draco.
Tac crys even more "And i am sorry for what i said in your mind
alice. i do care. i just have been having the worst time ever since
i became good. it is hard to forget your pain when you are
good.........." Tac stops crying and looks really weak.