Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → EMERA BANKexplaination in detail abt emera bank
1) in emera bank we can deposit our pd and get a standard amount of income say some %
just like normal bank the percentage should not be so high just a limited one
2) not only deposition of pd but we can get some loans from it loans are given by showing some sureity like some pokemons or items etc whose price is fixed by the bank depending upon rarity frequency on site
1)suppose iam auctioning on a pokemon which require farmore pd than i have normally ill sell some of my items and shinies or pokemon or mega ables..... for pd but if we have a emera bank we can send our pokemon to emera bank and just get pd main thing here is we cannot use our pokemon until we pay the pd we took from it
2)generally we can see our pal pads and pm's filled with messages asking for pd generally people in need or new users do it in that case this feature is usefull emera ban gives a starter loan of 10k without any sureity and he/she should refund the loan within a span of time
methods to reclaim pd
1)if any user take a loan and donot refund it within a given span of time he/she will get some warnings and the bank will automatically auction that pokemon or if he had pd bank will claim the amount
REMEMBER THAT BANK GIVE LOANS WITH A FIXED AMOUNT for suppose if we take 100pd for a day we should pay 101 or somexxx pd on the next day
Title: Upgrade Emera Bank
Emera bank there is only records of our transactions. But in real banks, They give us loans for Gold, for Silver. But Emera bank gives us that feature no!. There should be like this:-
For Normal Days :-
1 = 1000
1 = 500
1 = 10
For Special Events :-
1 or any thing that any Event take to us = 5000
1 = 1000
1 = 500
1 = 10
Or you can sell them to the bank & get money when need it.