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A Past Forgotten (Warriors Fan-fiction)

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions A Past Forgotten (Warriors Fan-fiction)
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 21:56 (10 Years ago)
!Warning This Story Does Contain Small Amount of Explicit Content!

!Read With Care!

A tabby tom cat was sitting on top of a tree. He was a young, but mature tom. His name was Bird. He was remembering his kit-hood and his family: the Smith family Twolegs, his brother Crow, his mate Lily, and his two kits Moon and Sun. Plus not to mention his past to do with the Kingdom of the West and their evil ways. It had seemed as if million eons had passed since then, but Bird knew better. His tabby tail twitched as the coming a leaf-bare let a chill flow into the wind. The tom's golden eyes rested on a leaf blowing in the frost bitten dirt. Had it been that long ago? Bird had the power to hold memory in a way no cat before him could. With a just a blink he could play the memories in his head vividly. It was as if the memories themselves had been reenacted in front of him. His thoughts traveled to the very beginning. Where it had all began.

(31moons ago)
He was born within a group of cats called a pack. Shadow Pack to be exact. The pack was set into troops of smaller groups that were organized by pelt color. It wouldn't matter for Bird though because he would never get the chance to grow up in his homeland. Him and his brother, Crow, had been born into the pack a few moons back. Their mother, Wind, had supposedly died at their birth, but rumors went around that Vole had kicked her out during the harsh winter. Vole was the leader of Shadow Pack, and he was stern in his rule. Bird and Crow had been raised by Breeze, their aunt. Wind's sister was pleasant, but she couldn't take the place of their mother. Bird held a few memories of his mother, but only had slight images of snow and undistinguishing color. Vole had put in command a law that stated that special cats, called Suns or Moons, would be put to death on the finding of the birthline. Somehow Bird and Crow had managed to escape such fate. For now.

"Those kits are like the rest.To be killed like any other sun or moon!" A large siamese tom with two torn ears was growling at a tan she-cat in the center of the pack. This tom had shoulders so broad that it would take three cats to fit the one's with.

The she-cat growled as Crow and Bird huddled in the mother's den. This she-cat was their aunt, Breeze, "Crow and Bird are just kits. You can't kill them just because of who they are! Have some compasion on the youngsters."

The siamese smirked and his eyes held a glow of not evilness, but of insanity, "They're abnormal, evil, beings. They don't belong in this world! I've had to kill the others' kits why should Wind's be saved?"

Breeze gasped at the mention of her sister's name. Many of the other pack members seemed to also be aghast. "Yet, we wonder why, your son has the attitude of a fox. Your son, Bone? Before you begin pointing out abnormalities check your own bloodline."

Vole growled loudly and took a step forward. His stance was cruel, but his face showed of surprise and worry. "Why do you bring my son into this? We have learned from experience what happens if we let these, things, stay alive." Another kitten, who was a moon, had the power to boil the blood of another cat from the inside. The kitten hadn't meant to, but he had looked at Vole's wife and suddenly she exploded right infront of the whole pack. Vole had been on a killing spree ever since. The pure sorrow of her loss had made him go beyond the brink of insanity.

"Have you seen your son? If he was more like his mother than maybe he would be able to live a normal life!" By this point the two cats were nearly touching noses with each other. Their teeth were bared in a daring challenge. By this time most of the pack had slinked back to their dens. Obviously this wasn't a first time encounter with this argument.

"I'm done talking with you. The children will leave with me at sundown. We will be free from your insignificance." She turned away and went to Crow and Bird. Bird starred up and rubbed hsi head against his aunt's leg. "Don't worry you two all will be fine. I prom-" She yowled loudly as something clawed into her back. Crimson blood ran down her sides. Crow screamed as he went to help his aunt, but Bird stood in horror at how the events had turned out. Flower, another mother cat quickly grabbed Crow and brought him back to the Mother's Den. Bird wasn't so lucky. He sat at the den entrance as the scene unfolded.

Vole growled with spit coming out viciously, "No one walks away from me when I'm talking!" He threw Breeze against the wall by his den. She gave a moan of pain, but he was on top of her within second. The Siamese tom then continued with a slam of her body into the middle of the clearing. Breeze limply looked up at her one nephew and whispered something unaduaible before they glazed over and her chest went still. Blood poured from under her mangled body and the pack all scurried away from the scene. The dark Siamese cat turned to the brothers. "Living with this pain is better than killing you two. Run, quickly though... before I change my mind. You're not meant to be in this world."

Bone was looking from the Siamese den, watching the leader of the pack threaten the kits. Bird watched as he looked toward to the mangled body of their aunt with horror. The light colored Siamese ran over to a tuxedo cat named Star, and hid behind him His left back leg seemed to drag on the ground. Bone hid in fear. He felt no simpathy for the kits, but he cowarded in fear from the sight none-the-less.

Star sighed and growled at the younger tom, "Bone… grow up you wimp." He then walked away from the trainee and over to Sunlight. The she-cat was starring in horror at the cruesome scene. "I'm glad they haven't killed you… where would I be without you?"

“Those kits don't deserve that... none of us are evil. We just all have something different gifted to us. ” Starlight said not paying attention to what Star had said. She was a hidden Sun, but some knew her secret. One being her bestfriend Star.

Vole suddenly turned back to the young toms, “I've changed my mind." Is eyes were solid black from the pupils being so large. They danced with a crazed anger. " I'll end your lives right here and now!" The pack stepped back out of fright and hid into their dens as Vole raised a full sized unshealthed paw.

A mother that was in the same den stepped quickly in front of the two kits, "Leave these kits alone. Let them leave and try to survive on their own. It's close to Springtime, but they're young." The mother turned towards the two kits who now sat beside each other. Her warm face reminded Bird of how the mangeled body out there could have easily been them. "They may not even survive anyways, but you are not harming another life today as long as I can help it." The she-cat barred her teeth showing she would fight for the kits' lives.

"So be it. I'll remember this Petal, until the day you take your last breath." He spit into Petal's face and looked out at the pack, who had begun to come back out into the open. "Any cat who protects a moon or sun will be cursed by the ancestors until the end of their bloodline.” He then stormed into his den.

Petal lower her head towards the kits, "Are you okay?" Bird nodded his brown tabby head with a shiver; while Crow stood tall, his only fear showed in his eyes. The white she-cat licked each of the toms on their head before heading to her own kits. Two black tom kits began to meow as Petal went to lay down with them. Bird watched as the two kits started to suckle. He thought in his head about if they left now they would never be there to play with Knight and Soldier. He wanted to at least get to play with the newborns. Bird sighed and looked at his brother in fear. Looks like that would never happen. He backed up and pulled on Crow's tail. "Crow come on… we have to leave we don't have a choice"

His brother watched as Petal fell asleep with her kits still nussling from her stomach, "Where though?"

"Anywhere, but here. Anywhere but this pack.”

"And live on our own, are you insane?" Bird cringed at the question and Crow put his wet nose to his brother's fur. He then backed up, but Bird felt a little better. "We barely know how to hunt. Let alone what not to eat, how to protect ourselves!" Crow said fear in his voice finally.

"We'll just learn Crow. We learn to survive; we have to. Come on you're always up for an adventure!" Crow nodded and smiled slightly. That night they slipped through the camp and went into the world of the unknown.

(a moon later)
Bird and Crow were living in the wild of a medium sized forest. A surroundment of human dwellings surrounded the area by three sides. At just months of age they lived like full grown cats. They hunted, and survived in the way that no cat their age should have to. The only thing they'd held onto were their kitten personalities. "Hey Bird look at this!"

Bird turned to his brother who had called from the other side of him. Lately they had been finding odd objects around the forest. Most of which ahd already been triggered. "What is it?" He scampered to his brother, and saw the silver circle of metal on the ground. This one had not been triggered. Crow stoof over it, his silver pelt reflecting on the sharp spikes.

"It looks like a trap of sort. What would want to catch something with a metal thingy though?" Bird's brother tried to figure out as he walked around it. It was a conversation they had almost every time they found one. This time though Crow didn't seem to be caring how Bird felt towards it. Bird knew something dangerous had to do with it, but not quite what.

Bird shrugged uninterested as if the object didn't bother him. Maybe if her acted as such Crow would decided to move on, "I'm hungry. We should go over to the Smith's house before a small hunt."

"Maybe they'll know what this thing is," Crow responded happily. Bird's brown tabby fur bristled at the thought of the trap. The two sibling ran away from the woods leaving the object to stand behind them. They soon came to a sudden halt at a bramble bush. There were three adult cats, two toms and one she-cat checking around in their path. It was the path that the two brothers used each day to go home.

One of the toms sniffed the air. his light tabby fur bristling as Bird's had earlier, "Rouges have been around here."

"Kits actually. Probably some kittypets, out exploring." A darker tabby corrected him in the scent. This tom was lengthier than the other, but his fur was matted. Made him look like he had thorns for fur. Bird would have laughted if it wasn't for the worry of being found.

The one she-cat grinned, "Nice job Thorntree!" Her leopard pelt was surprisingly bright in the light of the forest. She looked older than the other two, and held herself with a poise of a leader would in the pack

The one called Thorntree purred, "Thanks Leopardstar" Thorntree then continued to sniff the grounds. It was their lucky break that the two brothers had went a differnt way than teh bramble bushes this morning.

Crow purred slightly beside Bird. It wasn't everyday a cat would see such a feat, and amazed at the sight, "Wow that tom called Thorntree can really smell!"

“Keep your voice down Crow… remember we're supposed to be going to Smith kids. Can't do that if we're killed!" Bird gave an nnoyed hiss, but luckily by now the three adults cats had begun to wonder in the direction of the scent trail.

“You're right.” Then the siblings ran off through the brambles and onto the brown fence of the human dwelling. They sat on the fence for a bit before jumping down to catch their breath. The two brother's would have to be more careful now as to not get caught. Crow sighed heavily as he took a look back towards the fence, "Maybe we can get some cat food from Joe and Sara."

The tabby tom gulped. Bird could never understand the cat food thing. It tasted like dull bark, and Bird sure didn't want to go bck to eating the stuff they had when they first arrived, "I can't believe you actually will eat that stuff. Can we try and hunt later?"

“What? It's fish and tuna flavored. Think there's bacon somewhere in it too!" the silver tom answered completely not answering his brother's question. Bird wasn't surprised and decided to just roll his golden eyes at the coment.

"Be careful Crow." The Smith's father was a hunter. He didn't understand though how thee furless creatures would use the long stick. It seemed dangerous by it's scent, but he didn't understand why he didn't just use his hands. Maybe humans can't hunt like that because of how they walk on two legs.

Crow gave another sigh and twitched his tail. "I know… I prefer not being shot by that stick thing either. Come on let's hurry to the basement!" A flash of gray ran forward and then into the open door that led underground. Bird ran after him and soon saw the two kids. The humans wee the color of sand, and each one had fur on its head. He watched as his brother, Crow, put his paw on the bell near the bottom of the steps. It gave a small ring.

A red haired girl squealed as she heard the bell, "Crow and Bird are here!" The two humans turned anxiously towards where the two kittens stood, and knelled down by their paws

Bird turned to his brother. his ears ringing from the girl's high pitched voice, "What did she say?"

"She said that 'Crow and Bird are here!' " Crow mocked the girls voice with an understanding of the ear ringing.

"Oh okay,” the tabby shuffled his feet and walked behind his brother towards the children. The two children looked joyful to see the kittens, and Bird was even a little excited to see them.

Soon the brunette haired boy and and red haired girl were sitting next to them. The boy looked at Crow and picked him up, " What took you so long?" Bird had no idea what Crow was thinking, or what the human was saying either. This was the moon power Crow had. The power to talk to humans. Joe soon put Crow back to the ground with achuckle, "Sounds like you had an adventure" Bird's brother nodded to his friend's response.

Bird whispered to Crow, "So what's up?"

"Basically the normal. Their dad trying to kill the cats in the wild. And-"

"Like the 3 we saw today!" Bird meowed excitedly. Sometimes even Bird would lose the seriousness. The instincts of kit-hood were to strong for him to stay silent.

His silver pelted brother nodded his head and looked back with his silver eyes, "Yeah but I just found out something. There's a whole group of them!" The day continued like this until it was time to go back to the forest. They played with the toys the Smith kids gave them, and yes even at the food. Sara and Joe were sweet kids, especially for being humans.

(A moon or so after)
Bird awoke to the sounds of the forest that were abnormally loud. To help with this confusion his brother wasn't asleep next to him. Crow… where did you go?The young tabby tom got up and sniffed out the smell of his brother, it led him to a horrifying sight. His brother was caught in one of those metal traps, "CROW!" Running forward he made sure that he didn't land in any traps himself, "What are you thinking going out in the middle of the night you idiot?!"

"I don't know. Something was just pulling me here." The smell of catnip was strong on the blades around Crow's paw. Soon there were sounds of cats running their way, They had been too loud.. and been caught. They had been so careful, and now everything was falling apart. Crow's eyes widened. "Bird get out of here!!"

Bird shock his head tears coming down his face. He had lost his mother, his aunt, and he wasn;t going to lose his brother too. "I-I'm not going to leave you," He couldn't leave his brother. What if he got killed? Or worse.

Crow let a tear fall, "Hurry up and get out of here you idiot!"

The dark tabby was scared, he knew if his brother diedof the consequence. They would both die either way becuse of their sun and moon gifts. Even though Crow didn't remember his past Bird sure did. So he sealed his powers into Crow by touching his nose. This way if Crow died then Bird could live and if Crow for some reason did survive then neither one would be harmed, "Good bye…" Bird ran off tears falling down his face. His tabby paws carried him even farther then when they had run from the pack. He had dared to only look back only once, but by that time Bird could no long see the forest. Bird wanted to do nothing more than to go back and save his brother, but it was too late now. He didn't even know the way back to the forest.

(2 moons later)
The tabby tom was seven months old when he finally found a place to stay. Funny to think he would have been a trainee if he still lived at his pack. Time sure did fly when you didn't think about it. Bird walked and continued to climb up the mountain. He hadn't been this thirsty in a very long time, and the elavation was getting to him. That's when he found a small cave with the scent of water; he scurried in quickly instincts carrying him forward. There was water dropping from the ceiling of the dark cave and Bird licked it off ravenously. His parched body slowly began to refreshen, as it went rapid for the water. Some sleep would help though; Bird found a ledge near the back and fell asleep within just a blink of his eyes. He awoke the next morning to three cats playing with a moss ball. "Hey New that's not fair!" A golden tabby tom whined to a pitch black long furred tom with red eyes.

The one called New stuck his tongue out at the golden tabby, "Awww Twist all you have to do is jump up and get the ball. That's why it's call Cat in the Middle." The cat back flipped and kicked the ball with his hind paws.

"Darn ya New why did you tell him!?" The dark brown tabby growled aggravatingly as he swiftly and gracefully tipped the moss ball back with his tail. Bird had never seen anything liek the moves theses cats were doing. It fascinated him and he watched from the dark ledge near teh back of the cave.

"Because I knew you wouldn't!"

The dark tabby rolled his eyes and sat down. He curled his tail around him and raised his head high, "You're no fun."

The golden tabby called Twist gasped, "Be respectful to New! He's a prince you know!"

New sighed in the way one does when they have to repeat themselves. Whatever he had to say next was a lecture he had given the golden tabby before, "Twist that shouldn't matter at all. Anyways you two are my best friends, you don't have to act all proper around me. Even if Razor can be a pest." Okay, maybe not a leacture, but the point was given. New was a prince, and the other two were his friends. Bird was curious of the word as it rolled around in his head. Prince? The moss ball got tossed back to Razor, but in mid air Bird leaped off the ledge and flipped into grabbing the moss ball. He held it in his teeth and even chuckled as Razor and Twist stood in front of the black-furred tom. New didn't seem to like that his friends were playing body gaurd towards him. They all stared at him as Bird span around to face them. New pushed through his two friends and put one paw infront of him. "Who are you?"

Bird put the moss ball down on the ground and grinned. Jeez, these cats sure did seem uptight, even for him, "My name's Bird." He wrapped his dark tabby tail around him as he sat up tall. "And you are Razor, Twist, and New. May I play too?"

The three cats turned to eachother in shock, but it was not the 'prince' who spoke next. Razor was actually impressed, "Yeah why not. Toss the ball over here." Bird did as he was told and watched as everyone did special tricks throwing it. They weren't playing Cat in the Middle anymore, but Bird noticed that Razor never tossed the ball to Twist. It was like what he would do to Crow when they would find other kits to play with. The two would tease each other. The eventage of siblings. Actually now that he thought of it the two tabbies looked similiar. And he realized with a start that they were brothers. That's when he fell apart and broke down crying. It had been a long time since the pain of losing Crow had wrecked him like it was now, "Hey Bird get a grip. Why did you just start crying like a scared kitten?"

Bird sighed and shook his head to clear his thoughts. What a way to impress the newbies, just break down in tears, "I noticed you and Twist are brothers, twins actually. It made me miss my own twin." The dark brown tabby wiped his eyes with his paw and looked up at his new friends guiltly.

New frowned in understanding, "Where's your twin now?"

"Dead, maybe... maybe alive I don't know. We got separated when he was caught in a metal trap. He made me leave when there were some wild cats on their way there. I ran far away and found myself here in search of water," Bird's stomach growled, "and food."

"That's horrible Bird! Come on guys couldn't we get him something to eat?" The golden tabby walked up to Bird and wrapped him in a hug with his tail. It was like one of a brother to another brother. The thought made Bird sniffle, "Then we could come back and play." Twist's eyes pleaded for his two friends to help. "Y-you could stay with Razor and me. Become a Heart just like us!"

Bird smiled slightly, "Family.... that would be nice to have again."

(Three more moons)
"Who wouldn't want to become knight of the West Kingdom!? It's not only an honor, but we get to be in battle!" An older version of Razor said with diginity. His dark tabby fur stood on end with the enthusiasm.

"Plus we would get to see New everyday again. Come on Bird the training starts today. Wouldn't you wanna be a knight with us?" Twist said with a matched amount of happiness. The two brothers seemed to be excited about the training.

Bird walked out of his room his pelt was a bit darker, and he had grown quite a bit. It ha dbeen almost three moons since the Heart family had taken him in. He opened his gold colored eyes and sighed, "I just feel like I have a large advantage over a lot of the others."

Razor smirked at the thought, "It's that right there that would make you an excellent knight. You were born with extreme talent.” Not really he just remembered all the battle moves he had seen trainees do when he was still within the pack.

Twist agreed with his brother and as Razor walked out with their mother Bird stopped him, "Are you sure about this?" Bird whispered making sure his adoptive mom and brother couldn't hear. "You're part of that Resistance group, if Fangblood found out.... you've heard straight from New how bad his father his!"

"I know, his father says he's the worst king the West has ever seen... I happen to agree."

"T-then why are you going along with this whole 'honorable' knight crap?"

Twist sighed and hanged his head, "It's for the resistance; I'm to keep an eye on the princes. They know I'm already good friends with New so I can protect him."

"Than let me help you. Let me protect you... and help with that group of yours. I'm not letting you get killed." Bird didn't want to lose another brother, one was bad enough without having to watch his brother get murdered. If twist got caught he would never stop blaming himself.

"We'd be glad to have you. You'd be surprised who's in it." The two brothers ran off after the rest of their family to get ready for knight training applications. Bird was anxious, but he also was afraid of what was to come. His gut told him something was terribly wrong. He ignored the feeling though and talked anxiously with his two adoptive brothers.

(One more moon)
"Way to go Bird!" A pure white she-cat said as Bird did a flip and clawed a sand bag into three spurring spouts.

"Thanks Black," Bird said with a lick of his paw. He couldn't help, but feel in awe of his friend's complements, "Wonder where the other three are."

Black laughed her white fur blowing with the small breeze entering the cave, "Well, we have the queens younger brother for our trainer. If they're late it's their fault. Twist's been late a lot recently, a few more times and I think Mr. ToothFang will be putting him on kitchen work again. Or worse... make him a forbidden!"

"Twist become a forbidden, ha! He'd have to not be one of the princes best friends for that to happen. Spoiled brat..." A pitch black she-cat came into the cave. She had deep purple eyes and a strikingly fiecre face. Her cheek bones were high up which made her face seem more pointed.

"Feather! Don't sneak up on us like that," Black snarled at the newcomer entering the cave. Soemthing darker was held between the two she-cats.

Feather rolled her eyes and pointed behind her, "Well Miss BlackTooth if you keep worrying about Twist they're going to set you two up as a wifey and hubby." The black she-cat gave a chuckle that was hoarse from lack of moisture.

"That's enough you two. FeatherPool you know Twist isn't a brat. He's nicer than you could ever be, and you know Black is engaged to another," Bird stood right in Feather's face as she gave way towards his friend. Black twitched her tail in annoyance at Feather's words, but stood back as Bird bombared her, "So butt out peasant."

Feather glared and spit into Bird's face. A peasant very rarely got called to become a knight, she was teh first in her family. , "Rotten Outsider." Twist and Razor came in panting behind, but came just in time to see Feather be rude to their brother.

Razor tackled Feather out of the way and let his amber eyes meet up with Feather's voilet ones, “You dare spit or talk like that to our brother again and you'll be one sorry kitty." Twist barred his teeth at the she-cat with an angry growl. She tilted her head away in fear before gaining the courage to spit into Razor's face as well. That was a bad idea. Razor was about to slash her face when they heard paw-steps coming towards the doorway.

A pitch black short furred tom came in, his yellow eyes full of anger, "What in the name of our ancestors is going on here?" All of the cats looked at Feather, "Miss FeatherPool you are dismissed for today. You are to clean up your act within a week. Come back in a week with a changed attitude, or you are dismissed from Knight training understood!?" Feather nodded vigorously and ran tail under her legs out of the cave. "Now, let me guess Mr. Bird started it. Bird, what are we to do with an outsider like you?"

"Train me to be a successful knight so I can honor my kingdom I hope."

Tooth smirked at the tom's words, “You could never be a true knight.”

(4 moons)
"We call everyone to the courtyard to announced our new knights. They have trained successfully and are ready to be called knights of our kingdom," A pitch black slender tom with yellow eyes stood on what looked like a throne made of stone. Next to him was a pure white she-cat with red eyes, a black;white tom, a pure white tom, and New. "For the past five months they have been trained by ToothFang, and now they have shown to be fearless and their loyalty is to us. We call up Razor and Twist Heart, FeatherPool, BlackTooth, and Bird." There were mumbling about Bird most were saying how there was no last name called, but as if on que it was answered, "As you know Bird was adopted by the Heart family 8 months ago. And he has shown to be the most skilled within this group. Capable of being of the highest honor of the knights. He will be a knight assassin, and with that will be give the last name of Bird Killer. In his training he was shown be the most talented at killing birds without a a cat-made weapon. The Kingdom of the Heavens have for sure blessed his life. And though he started out as an outsider we will never regret accepting him home. To Bird! To Razor! To Twist! To Feather! To Black!" The crowd cheered their names and waiting for the new knights to come down to give them their own congratulations.

When the three brothers got home there was a feast for them made by their mother, "Congrats my boys. You've worked so hard for this!"

"Thanks mom," The three boys said in unison. If only their hearts were in the same happiness.

After the meal Twist came into Bird's room, "You don't seem happy at all... I know it won't be easy being in the Resistance and all-"

"Easy? Easy! Twist, I don't wanna kill. I thought we were to just watch over the princes. Now I'm going to be given tasks to kill whoever that damn king asks! I'm going against everything the Resistance stands for. You saw how New reacted, he knows what I'm about to do." Bird put his head on his paws. This was too much. If he went kiling cats now... what would Crow think? Did Crow look down with the Pack's ansestors in disgust?

"It won't be forever, Bird, not forever." Twist layed his tail on his brother as he had the day they had met.

Bird smirked, "Yeah you're right, just until I fail to do one of his missions."

(2 moons)
Bird was silent as a mouse. As an assassin his only weapon was a dagger that was held to his foreleg in a leather pouch. He hadn't really used it though much. Today he was to kill a tom who had double crossed FangBlood. For being a so-called knight all he ever did was kill those who Fang didn't approve of. So far though not one cat had lived to tell the tale about the attack. He had become known now just as Killer, The Shadow of Death. His only friends now were Twist, New, and Black. Razor even despised him, but more out of jealousy of Bird's come to fame. Though Bird had no problem giving Razor it if he wanted it so badly... if he could. As he got to the task place he sighed and whispered, "Hear we go..." He flipped into the door and broke it down in half, and he turned straight to the tortoiseshell tom with teeth bared, "You double crossed our King Sir JaggerFoot."

“Please!!! You don't understand, oh please Killer spare me!"

Bird smirked and said coldly, "So you can go around tell everyone how I let you, 'slide'. Hell no!"

The tom bowed down, "Please it was for my family. I needed the supplies to get my family out of here! My sons were about to die of sickness." The tabby tom bit his lip, he went soft slightly when it came to kits, but he shook his head to clear it. Unfortunetely JaggerFoot saw this softness, "Y-you aren't all bad as they say are you. Are you?"

"No, it's my job, a torture I must bare and a task I must finish, " Bird sprinted quickly and as Jagger dodged he jumped off the wall and bounced back into Jagger's neck with his Forepaws. There was a snap of the neck and Jagger was killed on the spot, "I sure hope your family got away in time for me not to have to go after them..." Bird walked over to the dead tom and politely closed his eyes. "May the ancestors not only give me forgiveness, but also give you a chance at a better life. You have a fire within in you Sir Jagger, may it light you to an easier path. Ansestors of Heavens, take him away from these kingdoms, let a flame blaze within his next life." Bird walked out leaving a blood paw print on the broken door to show that the killing was his work.

(2 moons)
His task today was one of the kingdoms few forbidden cats. This she-cat had been known as the ninja, but she didn't kill much. She had recently stolen a parchment from the castle and Bird was not only to receive the parchment, but to catch and kill ForbiddenLeaf before she could get into the lands of the outside. Bird had been chasing her for two days now, and he was close to the outer ring of the kingdoms. That's when he got pounced on by an orange; white long furred pelt. Bird jumped and back flipped his attacker onto the ground, but she squirmed from under and rolled him under her, "So you're the Legendary Killer."

ForbiddenLeaf winked and as Bird tried to pull himself up she pinned him back down by putting her paw on his chest. She giggled, "You got some hot stuff up there from all your killing don't you. Name's Lily, but I bet you know me as ForbiddenLeaf. Sorry dear, but this is a trap set up for you. I have no parchment and the only reason I'm being chased is cause I refuse to go by ForbiddenLeaf. You really are a fool Bird."

Bird growled while he blushed slightly and spit on ForbiddenLeaf, "You won't turn me against my kingdom no matter how pretty... and convincing you are pest. I know cats don't get called Forbiddens for no reason."

"Unless you live in the kingdom ruled by this stupid king. You know he's horrible! Is it so bad that I went around saying how his son New would be the best of the three heirs. Because of what I said people started agreeing with me, even though they all known that Deepblood is the first in line. I endangered Fang's rule to the thrown so he called me up as a Forbidden. So I refused to go by it and when I went to talk about an annulment I over heard him... him telling his other knights about taking over the North Kingdom. And killing the king, queen, and maybe the future heirs," The she-cat sounded strained, "So you'll kill me because that's what you've been told to do, you unthinkable fool. Come on you've got to smarter than that!"

Bird sighed, and quickly pinned her down, “I don't have any reason to believe you.

“Trust your paw steps,” Lily whispered the Resistance code words.

Taken a back Bird stepped off the she-cat. No one but other Resistance members knew about who he was. Even then it was hush hush, “What do you wish then?”

"Stay with me and get to know me, as me. So I can show you how much that king lies." Bird rolled his eyes and agreed to it. "Then let's go for a hunt."

(4 moons)

"He'll never agree to it Bird! You should have just stayed out there with the girl."

"Twist's right. Now my father will kill you both if you even think of asking. Even if she was actually telling you the truth about his plans to take over the North," New said with a worried tone. Bird had entered back into the West Kingdom lands with hope. He knew it would be a long shot, but maybe just maybe it would be possible. He could stay home with his family, and make a family of his own.

"I know she was telling me the truth! I love Lily, for peets sake she's about to give birth to our kits... Fang has to agree to take away the Forbidden name and let me marry her!"

Twist gasped at the word of kits. Bird knew what he thought, and maybe he was right, "Dude you've gone mad. You know he'll never accept it!"

Bird growled under his breath, "I have to try," he looked to New for reassurance, "For my kits' sakes."

(At the castle)

"No! How dare you even ask such a thing?"

"Please my lord, I've done so much for you. All I ask is this one small favor!" Bird begged his king. This couldn't be happening. After how much he had done for Fang. He had done everything he had ever asked, and had went against his very beliefs.

Fang growled and stood tall on his obsideon throne. His pure white queen seemed to smile at the confrentation. Bird felt that she was smiling at his pain, "I refuse your offer, I will not grant you the ability to marry this forbidden wench. If you go against my wishes, I will give you the harshest punishment."

Bird knew what he had to do from there, "Your law I follow...." Bird left and made his way to the Resistance meeting place. He would tell hem all good-bye tonight, and run away with his love. As he entered the underground lake cave he saw everyone was there. HawkWater also known as ForbiddenWater, Shadow and Dragon Water the heirs to the South Kingdom, GoldSoul also a forbidden, SunLife heir to the East Kingdom, Jay and Moon Jewel the king and queen of the North Kingdom, Twist, New, and Lily. Shadow and Dragon were the younger sister's of Hawk, but were truly too young to voice their oppinions. There were many others, but Bird didn't known their names. "Thank you Twist for gathering everyone here, my news is that I must depart from this place. I've felt so welcomed, but I must go with Lily away from here." Bird felt his voice quiver for the first time in a long tim, "F-fang refused my request of marriage. I know it was anticipated, but... I just hoped. Now I must leave the kingdoms, and with that the Resistance." Murmurs rumbled through it but it was silenced by a long furred black she-cat.

JayJewel shushed the group and bowed her head, "Though you have done more killing then anyone to have lived in the kingdoms you have showed you care about everyone. You've been known also to close all your victims eyes allowing them to pass on peacefully, and doing a quick easy death as much as possible. You will be greatly missed Bird of the Outside World." She lifted her head and praised the names, "To Bird! To Lily!"

With that Bird padded up to his wife to be, New, and Twist, "I'll miss you two. My first friends I had ever known." Tears fell down and he gave a cat like hug to his best friends. "Twist, New, be safe. And New best of wishes to that new sibling your mother will be having. I hope by her time maybe the Kingdom of the West will be a better place."

"So do I Bird, so do I. I'll never forgive my father for this, and I'll raise my sibling to be well brought up."

Twist smiled slightly, "I wish I could see my nieces or nephews or whoever they end up to be. You're the closest thing I really had to a brother-ship. I'll miss you Bird."

"Me you Twist. Maybe one day the ancestors will bless us and you'll get to meet my twin brother, who I believe is up with the ancestors. Goodbye and may the Kingdom of the Heavens bless you, all of you. Come on Lily." And with that the kingdom never saw Bird or Lily again.

(2 moons later)

Bird was sitting next to his newly made wife. Lily was purring, "Aren't they beautiful?" Two kits were sleeping at her belly, a tom and a she-cat. The she-cat was an orange tabby while the tom was a brown; orange tabby.

Bird was purring as well, "Beautiful?! Of course they are! They're your kits."

"Our kits Bird," Lily corrected her husband. She licked her love's cheek as she drifted to sleep. Bird went to sleep next to her.

(2 moons afterwards)

Lily and Bird were watching their 3 month old kits playing together. Bird was now 28 months old. His life was perfect, other then he had lost his brother, friends, but with his new family he barely remembered that. He leaned his head on Lily, "I can't believe it. They've grown so fast."

Lily smiled, "Like us."

He chuckled, "Yes, like us."

“Well, well, well. If it isn't my old friend, Bird the Outsider."

Bird jumped at the sound of his past brother Razor, "Razor, Tooth, Twist? W-what are you doing here?"

The dark tabby smirked, "For a small, how did you say it, task."

"Moon, Sun come over here. NOW!" Lily called to her kits who were huddled in fright in-front of the three newcomers. Moon and Sun ran over and hid behind their mother.

Bird looked at the brown tabby, "I left the kingdoms, we both did, and we want nothing to do with the West. We've left it behind us."

The jet black cat growled, "You should have though of that before you joined us BirdKiller!"

"Don't call me that Tooth! My name is Bird and that's it," Bird stood up tall ready to fight if it came to it.

Tooth looked to the golden tabby, "Touching isn't he Twist"

The golden tabby nodded sorrowfully, "Yes... yes it is."

Bird bared his teeth and stepped in front of family, "Your quarrel is with me Tooth it always had been. Always putting me down as an outsider. Leave my family out of this!"

Razor snickered, "But it all started thanks to that she-cat there. Our task is to kill her, the rest of your family is just for our enjoyment."

"Please don't hurt them! I'll do anything just leave my family alone," Bird eyes widened begging towards Twist for help.

Tooth came up from behind them and grabbed Moon in his jaws, "Too late!" He snapped his jaws shut snapping Moon's head from his body,

Lily wailed, "MY KIT!!! How dare you!" She jumps at Tooth but he had on his armored claws and with them he ripped open her throat giving her a slow painful, voiceless death.

Bird was frozen to the spot. His kit, then his wife. A flash back of the begging tortoiseshell flooded his mind. This must have been how he felt, even though his family was being slaughtered right before his eyes. Jagger must have felt like it [Even if they don't kill Sun she'll die with her brother dead.] Tears formed in his eyes, "Please, just leave us alone!!"

Razor growled, "Don't worry it'll be over soon enough, only one left to go. Twist you have the honors" Twist gulped and mouthed the word sorry to his past brother before snapping the kit's head from it's body.

"Just kill me!! Kill me please!"

Razor smirked, "If you don't live though you won't get to feel the pain of the loss. Plus you'd be to easy to kill, now at least. What a weakling you've become Killer. No wonder you don't want to be called by that name anymore. You don't kill…."

"BUT I CAN! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE YOU ALL SEE WHAT I CAN STILL DO!!" Bird snapped, all his pain whelmed up and his fur stood on end.. The three toms' eyes widend. Razor and Tooth sped off with happy grins while Twist stayed behind for a bit. Bird lifted his bloodshot water logged eyes, "I will never forgive you for this Twist. You stood there and watched and didn't do a thing to stop it... you even helped. What kind of brother are you?"

Twist looked a taken back and tears feel down his own face, "I'm not worthy of being called your brother Bird, not after this..." He lightly touched Bird's ear, but Bird slashed at him angrily. He let his head hang and ran off after the other kingdom cats Bird let his tears fall as he walked to his dead family. His felt as if blood was pouring out of his heart, but he knew it was physically in tact. He closed the eyes of all his family and blessed them. He kissed his love goodbye before he buried them. He looked into the sky with tear filled eyes as a crow flew in the direction away from the kingdoms, "You really want me to go back to the place I lost Crow don't you. Well, I'll follow what my ancestors wish to be done."

(two moons later)

Bird now 30 moons of age came to the forest where he first left his paw steps when he ran away from the pack. He walked by the human nests where Crow and them would go once and awhile. When he walked over the old boarder smell he smelled one he recognized, Crow, "That's why the ancestors led me back here. I-I-I still have to protect someone."

As if on the calling he saw a gray white long furred pelt go after a squirrel quickly. Bird saw the cat smile and open two silver eyes as he put the squirrel down infront of a tan silver she-cat. Who Bird figured out was his brother's wife, "So.... Crow became a wild cat. Maybe the wild cats are better mannered than they are given credit for." Tears fell as he remembered the death of his love and kits, of the innocent lives he had taken. That was something that would never heal. Bird wouldn't dare think of what happened in his past. The killing he had done for no true reason. He had killed innocent cats just to be respected by a lawless king and a stupid resistance of cats. "I know why I was spared… my destiny hasn't come to its end yet. My brother still needs me. And so I'll be here for him."

Thanks for reading, please feel free to comment, read etc etc. This is a prequel to a story, so continue to read the tale on Wattpad. Story is called Changes in the Sky. :)

Collector and Lover