Dot looks sad "I am not sure there is any thing we can do. all hope
is lost. we will never beat him" A shadow walks over to them "Sayed
the ones who gave up. Dont give up." The shadows turns out to be
Mimi "No one controlls me or any of the Yoshis. we can show you the
way." Mimi giggles.
Auraora slowly stares a Mimi not really trusting her. "So.....
where are we going now?"Auraora said starting to get bored as she
heard a big crash for some reason.
"This is why I never trust people that can turn into werid spider
people"Auraora said quietly as she suddenly seen a small thing on
the ground and picked it up seening it was somekind of gold
mushroom or something. "Werid..."
"I know"Auraora said slowly looking at the thing in her hand. "So
what do you guys think what this is?"Auraora said putting it on the
ground before hearing a loud boom like sound then a roar. "That
sounds like-"
Hooktail comes in and attacks Mimi. Hooktail looks at Dot "Run!
Mimi is working for ShadowWing! I Will Meet You At The Place Mario
Found You!" Mimi smiles and turn in to her sprite form and attacks
hooktail. Hooktail looks hurt ".......... If i make it.". Dot crys
a little "Ok hooktail." Dot flys off.
Username: *TepigHero*
Name: Bow
Gender: Female
Where Is It From?: The original Paper Mario.
Other: Can turn Mario invisible, making him unseen and immune to
attacks. Very snobby. Often called "Lady Bow". Leader of the Boos
at Boo's Mansion in Forever Forest. Paper Mario Wiki page with more info.
Aurora followed Dot hearing yelling from somewhere. "Where should
we go?"Auraora said as she slowly stopped catch her breath
"Uh..."Auraora as she then fell to the ground.
Auraora slowly wakes up a few hours later as she looks around.
"Where am I....."Auraora said before noticing flower like
creatures. "I think I seen those before.."Auraora though.
A Robot Pixle giggles behind Auraora "You are in Dot's place of
being found. she hides here when in the deepest of danger. by the
way i am Tiptron" Tiptron looks haopy.
Tiptron looks a little confused "I was here for a long time. as
soon as Mario left us i came here. i know i look like Tippie."
Tiptron flys over to a box with Dot in it.
"I hope two"Auraora said slowly looking up before hearing a loud
crash. 'What was that?'Auraora said turning around seening a huge
creature. "What th-"
Auraora slowly gets up as she was hit taking out something throwing
it at Bonetail. "I wonder why ShadowWing hasn't taken control of
me..."Auraora though before being hit by something as a mysterious
shadow came.