Forum Thread
Pokemon Apocalypse (Open and accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon Apocalypse (Open and accepting)Earth... Destroyed by war... Chaos... Nuclear bombs
They've tested on humans... and pokemon... but... it just got worse... super mutants...
"Hey!.. i see your hearing this recording" says someone on a recording you found in an abandoned old shack somewhere in the wasteland "Could you fill out one of these forms? i might be able to come back and find it later and meet ya.. If i survive.. Oh! Theres some supplies in that fridge Nuka cola Um.. some Double-Headed miltank steaks And maybe a gun over in that crate.. or a knife i think i put a couple javelins in there too" He said then a growl was heard on the recording "Alright nevermind i might be dead! Take that supplies and try to survive oh and you might aswell sign a form incase i survive" Then gunshots are heard and more growling Then the recording ended You decide to fill the form and take some of the supplies
1. No killing other peoples pokemon/Characters unless you have PERMISSION
2. No godmodding you cant kill everything just by hitting it with a knife or other weapon
Character name:
Pokemon: (Up to 1 for beginning)
supplies: (a couple things maybe items you've already had and you may also take 1 javelin/knife/gun and 1 steak/nuka-cola from the recording mans supplies
History/story: (Optional)
Followers: (Make another form for any followers you may have up to 4)
Weapons: (the one you chose from the recording guys supplies)
My form
Character name:Kyle
Pokemon: Totodile
supplies: A nuka-cola a knife And 10 Caps
History/story: Might make one later
Followers: None (Yet)
Weapons: Knife
Guide (Being worked on)
Money: The money they use is called caps (Literally Caps from soda water bottles etc)
Followers: In the game Ive heard theres followers so there will be in this You must provide a form for any followers and you can have a max up to 4 followers (All human)
Creatures: sometimes theres creatures not pokemon or human that could try to kill you but they are VERY rare
Mutants: Mutated pokemon And humans Mutants and supermutants
Food items:

Nuka cola
sunset sasperilla
Dirty water
Clean water
steak (From various pokemon)
Pork n Beans
Chipzor Cyborgs (Chips)
Box of noodles
BlamCo Mac & Cheese
Potato crisps
Jerky (From various pokemon)
spicy steak (From various pokemon *Combined with jalapeno*)
spicy jerky (From various pokemon *Combined with jalapeno*)
Egg (From various pokemon)

Laser pistol
Javelin/Throwing spear
Throwing Knife
Baseball bat
Fire axe
Misc Items:

Duck tape
scrap Metal
Teddy-Ursa (Teddybear)
Teddy-Ursaring (Teddybear)
Billy the Tyrunt (Figurine)
Billy the Tyrantrum (Figurine)
Plush buizel (Plushie)
Rick the shiny Tyrunt (Limited edition Figurine)

Medical supplies:
Doctor bag (Heals all limbs fully)
rad-away (Gets rid of radiation)

HAT-54 Also Owners of Vault 536 and the forest around it And the creators of the TAH-45 virus They're neutral and leaning towards the bad side They mainly sit around testing and finding cures and viruses in their vault Many have died from the TAH-45 virus they created the ones that survived became either badly mutated or rarely They became strong and looked normal and very deadly
The Huntars

They are very stealthy and are thieves The avoid using guns and Are usually good Letting the mutants live with them since mutants aren't accepted by the other factions They're main weapon is a bow and arrow They dont like buying stuff and usually forage there own food (And then sometimes they'll sell it for caps then they buy resources or weaponry using there caps)
The skull Bashers

The evilest and strongest Of all factions They Love bashing skulls and killing Only the strongest may join they dont care for being quick just strength And death The Biggest enemy of all the factions they raid at least one of the factions bases a day And kill many pokemon and human then they leave destroying everything even the food and leaving it
More factions to come...
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Character name: Mark
Pokemon: (Up to 1 for beginning) Torchic
supplies: (a couple things maybe items you've already had and you may also take 1 javelin/knife/gun and 1 steak/nuka-cola from the recording mans supplies) 1 steak, nuka - cola, and a chips called "Chipzor Cyborgs" and a gun.
Age: 12
Gender: Male
History/story: (Optional) My parents have died in the first recorded case of the "umbrabamus" which infects humans and Pokemon, they survived, but I haven't seen them in 6 years..
Followers: (Make another form for any followers you may have up to 4) None for now XD
Weapons: (the one you chose from the recording guys supplies) Gun :P

but the Zigzagoon was level 12! While Torchy was level 5, we had no choice we had to arrives..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs

"Hello, guard? Do you know where I am?"
The guard says: "You should probably go inside, it's a safe place to shelter yourself from all the mutants, but if I see any trouble, then you're kicked out."
When I go inside, the first thing that spots my eye is a water trail. Because I am a nerd, the only thing that I say is:
"By analyzing the particular water molecules I'm able to find that the cells belong to a certain Pokemon called Totodile."
so I follow the trail.
The trail leads to a person, so I ask:
"Hello, um..what's your name?"
Username: Thumper
Character name: Elizabeth (prefers the name Ellie)
Pokemon: Tyrunt (named Cuddler, back story pending)
supplies: A satchel, 15 Caps, a stimpack, combat knife and a mutated milktank steak
Age: 20
Gender: Female
History/story: (please note, this is in WIP stage) Ellie grew up in a vault that went through some of the normal occurrences of anarchy, robot rebellion and the usual crazy outbreak. Seeing no further point in enduring the insanity she left vault 15 in hopes that the world outside might be better. She was wrong, so very, very wrong.
Followers: None yet, may add later
Weapons: Combat Knife
"Excuse me ma'am, make sure you don't cause any trouble in here. We have enough problems with mutants as it is." The guard gave her a stern look and opened the door.
"I'll keep my nose outta things that don't involve me, you don't have to worry about much trouble from me." She tried to reassure the guard but he didn't seem any more at ease.
"All these darn kids coming in here today anyway, what happen, local orphanage get ransacked or somethin'?" While his tone was bitter and sarcastic, it was obvious he was not at all pleased with the influx. However, it did at least let Ellie know someone, or rather a multiple someone's had passed through the gate rather recently.
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
"You know just as well as I do those beans aren't worth that many caps. They're irradiated, gonna give the kid more trouble than they're worth. I'll cover him plus I'll give you a little extra if you can tell m anything you know about this." Ellie proceeded to slide a copy of the recording she found in the shack across the platform along with five extra caps.
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
"I better get going..I guess I'll never really make friends D:"
He then left and asked the guard if he can leave the town.
The guard said yes, and so Mark left..
As he was walking past the same forest, he arrived in the desert, but in the desert he was ambushed by a rattata!
Rattata used Tackle!
"Oh no, not again D:"
"Come on Torchy! USE EMBER AGAIN!!"
The opposing Ratatta fainted.
Mark picked up 2 rare candies as well!
Torchy leveled up to level 14!
"Wait wait that an empty shotgun!" o: ill have to go find some ammo for that..
Username: Dream_Cloud
Character name: saka
Pokemon: Pharaoh (my shiny shinx just pretend its lvl 5 or 7 XD)
supplies:knife 1 steak nuka-cola and 15 caps
History/story: black goo drips from her mouth if it isn't covered the reason is she was experimented on (she use to be a solder so she let them ) the experiment went wrong and her eyes when white pusomibaly blind she can see things behind her she has a gas mask on (on of those white things doctors use XD) when she takes the mask off people and pokemon think she's an alien so she stay's away from people and pokemon mostly. (update later :3)
Followers: none (yet)
Weapons: a knife made out of bone
"What now Cuddler?" She scratched the top of the Tyrunts head.
Kyle dreamt of a mutant flying after him it had long claws and wore an army helmet He lost the mutant by hiding in an old office building then he woke up "Phew" He said "Only a dream..."
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs