Forum Thread
Never-ending cheat
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Never-ending cheatand then there are more...
and more..
and more..
UNTIL THERE ARE 95823187328673564573487578474839563467924796739673596735967359673967496767676767676767676767676767674289562000000000000000000581111111111111111114377777777777777777774343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343434343 babies..
XyChrus, don't be a mini-mod. The owner isn't online doesn't means you are the new boss. Maybe it's good to remind people about the game's rules, but don't get too far away. That's being rude, not polite.
Can we restart the cheat? It's getting too far away.
EDIT: The owner IS online, well, for a few days, but she's not checking the forums.