Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Notification1.The limit of notification increase
Like all of we know when the notification is more than five it`ll be 5+ I suggest the notification increase so example when I leave pokeheroes for 1 day then I logged in I`ll know I get 78 notification.. sometimes it annoying when I leave pokeheroes for minute then when I come back the notification show 5+ when I check it .... it just 6 ...... I hope you guys understand what I am trying to say....
2.Get notification from other feed
I know this sound weird but doesn`t it annoying when you coment on a feed than after minute go back to that feed just to see it replied or not.....maybe you guys can`t understand what I trying to say so here
P/S: The image just an example..
Like you see Hiccup doesn`t know what is israelgilad comment in it he will know after some minute he see that feed on his notification or after visiting israelgilad profile......
So what I`m going to suggest is when someone comment at someone feed he will get notification when the owner of that feed or someone else comment on that feed.
I hope these you guys can understand what I`m going to suggest and what the point of my suggestion and hope it`ll be useful in future...
2: Maybe a mini subscribe button on the feed, just like there is in forums? Especially for ones that have to do with raffles...I think people would use feed comments more often if this were the case. I personally have had issues finding something I've commented on since some of my friends post about 200 feeds a day.
There's already a "feeds you commented on" on the Notification Wall.
^^Made by Girafarig^^