(The rooftops and wall of the kingdom are in the way of seeing
Shadow made it past the wall, and saw glowing coming from the
Lake's general direction
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
Shadow headed towards Jason, "Stand still!" and he started running
at him with no aggression showing.
(Shadow's trying something that he knows will work.)
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
Auraora slowly went down seening somekidn of thing as she went in
seening no water "Wait.."Auraora said seening her necklace glow
again,so big everyone could see it
Jason froze in place at the others command. He could see that there
was no aggression in the others movements but he was confused at
what Shadow was doing.
Auraora suddenly seen a door open as she ran in seening many
statues before seenin a huge statue and crystals 'What the
heck...'Auraora said before eharing something "Huh?"Auraora said
Shadow's direction went next to Jason, and when he got just a few
inches in front of Jason, Shadow grabbed his arm and teleported him
to Auraora's Location. Shadow then teleported himself towards the
location seconds later.
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
Aurara suddenly seen a few luxios and a few dratini's and amny
other pokemon looking at her from other rooms 'Werid,i guess this
is a actient temple..'Auraora said before seenign a few luxrays run
thinking there a intruder
Shadow looked at Jason, asking him softly, "Ready to see what's
behind this door?"
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
"Pretty much, but lets not try to cause too much of a commotion
about it." He said, his training kicking in as his voice lowered
since he was in an unknown location.
Shadow drew his sword, and then threaded into the room, noticing it
was pitch-black, then he used his Aura to communicate with Auraora,
"If you are within a 50-foot radius, you will hear this message,
Jason and I are trying to find you."
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
Auraora didn't hear it since she was having a flashback by touching
somekind of book "Auraora.... im sorry.."She could hear before loud
nosies 'What the..."Auraora said scarred before the luxrays got to
the others growling about to attack
Shadow thought to himself, "Hm... No reply, she's probably doing
something and wasn't able to hear me..." and then Shadow held his
hand to create a small fireball to help see his surrounding, and he
sent an Aura Message to Jason, "I can see, but not much"
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
(Don't you see the luxrays?) Auraora then eahrd something as she
turned around seening somekind of light but it was ahrd to see
since it was dark in the room
He was surprised even more when he heard Shadow's voice but didn't
see his mouth moving. His ear flickered when he heard something,
turning around he saw the Luxray's. "I think we may have company."
He said.
(my character is completely oblivious to everything :D)
A Few other pokemon where there,haxrous,hydregions and etc
"Woa...'Auraora said finding a crystal ball before seening Jason
and Shadow "Why are you here?"One of the luxrays said growling as a
few where in the way of the door to where Auraora was
(They're visible, but still out of Shadow's sight)
Shadow barely heard Jason's statement, but when he turned and ran
to Jason's side, now seeing the Luxio's and Shadow looked at them
with a look of hatred. He did not have permission to kill his
Egg-groups Ally.
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of
other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and
If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy
"Awnser me,we don't want any gravediggers or treasuretakers here
anymore...."The Luxray said angreyed as a few pokemon
watched,zubats and amny other pokemon "Woah.."Auraora said slowly
watching them as she was on a hydregion