Forum Thread
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Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Lock this please.A cute lil pikachu runs up to you,

Pika pika pikapika pikachuuuu pika pika pika pika pika karp pika pika pika pik chu chu pika!!

transalation: welcome to the magikarp
hunting games!!achooo* the magikarp hunting games is where you try
to get as many magikarps as you can before the deadline ends, and
the ones with the most magikarps get prizes ^^so ready to hunt?
Prizes for this month are: a package of furfrous(one pack= 10) (each trimmed if you want^^
Some keys and boxes
Some gems^^(everything is kept a secret so it's be much more fun!!)
Just bump this thread , and you're in^^
Participants: none yet
Deadline: November 8
