1,446 I can remember standing outside bookstores to buy those every
time a new one came out. Made me a kid glad his birthday was July
31st :D Wasn't that thrilled with the movies though.
Well if you can't the number of times I didn't find something good,
it's about even.
1,447 (I'm ashamed to admit this, but anywayyyy) I'm kinda glad
that I started liking Harry Potter a few weeks before the last
movie was released >;D The earliest I remember is seeing the
trailer for the Goblet of Fire and thinking, "Ewwww, it's Harry
Potter....No one likes Harry Potter, like seriously!" It's kinda
sad now how it just died after everything was finished :'/
1,448 Meh, doesn't matter when you started liking something.
It is kind of sad, there were rumors of her writing another series
based at Hogwarts but I guess that's not going to happen.
1,447 But there's always Pottermore! ;3 And that HP Fan Club that
kinda died a little but you can still go join it even though it's
probably on the last page of the FCs xD