Persian... persian persian. What can I say about persian. Well I'm
not sure if I'm spelling its name correctly and um... It's a cat
and My meowth will evolve into one... Wow. I have a lot of meowths.
So I have recently gotten a black eye. It made me pretty popular
for a day. Turns out that I really like that feeling, so maybe I
should get hurt more often. :p Recently I have tried making metal
people out of, well metal. But they all usually don't have an arm,
or a leg, or sometimes there isn't a head.
I am thinking about possibly starting to watch Torchwood and
Sherlock on Netflix.
So I went and hung out with my only friend today and we played this
card game. To sum it up; the five of clubs, queen elizabeth, draw
two cards, five six seven eight I can buy a province, midgets. Yep
it was a good night. Then I went skating with a very large group of
people and I was pro 8). Well thats all.
Rotom? This Pokemon doesn't even know what he wants to be! Washing
Machine? Toaster Oven? Refrigerator? Lawn Mower? What about a Fan
with Flying Type, but still keeping Levitate? Let's give it an Air
Balloon for teh lulz. The original form is even more crap than the
others, less stats, same movepool, but without the signature moves.
Bonjour! Hey what's up everybody? I'm doing very great. Today I
volunteered for what was supposed to be 6 hours but was instead
12 4 hours. I would tell a story about how a kid is going to
punch me in the face the next time he sees me but I'm afraid
AutumnStar Sir will see it.
Woof. This is my one constant, I'm off. To be a new person here
because I'm starting to feel excluded from my current group of
friends so... Yeah. If anyone wants to be my new friend feel free
to pm me.
So to most of my current friends please stop. Talking to me until I
manage to return to that group. I'm not mad at any of you but i
want to meet new people. You guys are happier without me so yeah.
Bye! This isn't a cry for attention this is an explanation.
Though sometimes I do want to cry. Because I'm actually a very very
sensitive guy. I wish that that post had never happened. And I wish
people didn't talk to me like they did. I took everything the said
to he art and now I want to just curl up and die. Maybe it would be
better that way. All my pain and misery in real life would go away
and no one on here would care. But no. I would never do that. I am
to much of a coward but sometimes I feel like hurting other people,
but I usually calm down. Sometimes I do want to cry.
Funny thing happened today*, *Note it references some things that
may not be suitable for small chillens.
So today at lunch these kids was giving my group of friends a bunch
of crap and we were tossing it right back at them. So towards the
end of lunch when most of the arguing had ceased I gave the kid who
seemed to be the leader a banana and said," Here, I figured you
were missing yours." Then walked off.