Forum Thread
Sercpoha Clan -- Open
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Sercpoha Clan -- OpenAlso, I'd prefer if he didn't wear anything, at least not yet. He can find the items later, but now isn't the right time. Accepted
''Everything is Okay!''
''Everything is Okay!''
''Everything is Okay!''
Ronin observed this scene from above and sighed dis-contently, "Come one Azelo, you knew the poor lad is afraid of you," he looked at the sky, "choose wisely." Azelo grabbed his forehead with his paw, "Okay then, now, I choose," he removed his paw and and looked over at Ryler, "Come here, Ryler, you shall be my student," he smiled, "don't make me wait, boy."
Meanwhile, Ronin chuckled for he already predicted what student Azelo will end up with. He made his way to the crowd and crossed him arms, "Don't act too cocky," he closed his eyes and chuckled, " 'master'. Hah!"
Name: Link Sharpgrass
Gender: male
Riolu/Lucario?: nether, he is a servine
Personality: emotionless, has a fractured mind (multiple personality disorder),has a somewhat complex speech pattern and never lies.
Age: 16
Mentor: none.
he is also about 3 foot 5 inches tall.
extra: he is electrokinetic.
Username: Red_the_lugia
Name: Bryant Combe
Gender: male
Riolu/Lucario?: "human"
Personality: Bryant is emotionless, logical, honest, has a similar speech pattern as Link.
Age: 16
Mentor: none, he taught himself to use the psychokinetic abilities that he possesses.
Appearance:about 5 foot 8 inches, dirty blonde hair, skin has a bit of a scaly and smooth texture to it, he is extremely pale,has dragon wings (hidden by the black trench coat like sweater he wears at all times), his left eye is normal with a blue iris, his right eye has black whites, a red iris, and a white pupil, he is very skinny, he wears black runners with red laces, black sweat pants, a red tee-shirt with a black trench coat like sweater, he also has a camo ball cap with flashlights built into it, and has a sword made of a highly conductive material and a small dagger to cut his hand for his hemokinetic attacks.
extra: he is hemokinetic (can control/manipulate blood), electrokinetic (control/manipulate electricity), and can fly (he has wings, why not use them?).
Ronin frowned and hung upside down right above them, "You'll give the kid a heart-attack at this rate, Azelo," he waved at Ryler, "hello. I am Ronin. Close friend of Azelo."
Chatot screamed and shouted as the Lucario assembled with their students and stood in a disciplined manner, "OKAY! NOW WE TAKE THE OATH!"
The oath took a short few seconds after which Azelo glanced at Ryler seriously, "Don't be late," he dashed off to the north-west lake after saying so.