Forum Thread
Renegade's Chess Board (ONESHOTS+FF LINKS)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → Renegade's Chess Board (ONESHOTS+FF LINKS)Some rules:
1) I am Giratina. Which means I decide what to do. Suggestions are appreciated, though.
2) Feel free to post. Not yet.
3) Don't rush me. I don't have a time schedule for this.
4) I will have Gen IV Oneshots+FFs here. Don't subscribe if you don't want to be spoiled.
5)Rules will be added without warning.
-More stuff coming up-
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
Title: Fanfictions
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
Title: Ships I sail
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
Title: Oneshots
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
You are now allowed to post!
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
Title: Auras
Title: Auras (No, this has nothing to do with Lucario.)
Universe: Pokemon
Pairings? Giratina X Yvetal. BiohazardShipping. Seriously? -__-
Someone should call HonedgeXGiratina Deathsoulshipping. Really.
Rating: I would say K+.
Other: Na.

“Sister, are you sure this is safe?”
In the dusk-streaked woods, two figures appeared. One was a tall, stocky figure. He shook his rainbow glittered horns cautiously. He wore a blue waistcoat, pinned together with a blue brooch with two horn-like points at the sides. Underneath, he wore black trousers, with long, black boots and streaked with white. He moved delicately, cautiously, blue eyes glinting with a small 'x' under the mask he wore. His belt had gems inlaid in it; they shining a soft aura that made him look like a spirit, timeless. Like Life itself.
The other figure was slender. Large dark bags underlined her sky blue eyes. She wore a black beak-like mask, same as her brother, although she had horns coming from her head. She had a grey wispy scarf wrapped around her neck, and a red t-shirt, red leggings, with the strange black markings, similar to the ones on her wings. They glinted with steel claws at the tips, the wings more arms than anything. A cloak of feathers hung from the shirt. She carried an air of darkness, black and purple and grey.
She was Death. He was Life.
She said nothing. They strode forward into the darkness. Suddenly, a shadow appeared. It attacked Xearneas, in a flurry of golden talons and dark wings. Xearneas immediately used Geomancy, bright lights collecting around him as he flung it at the Wraith. In a mere second, it had disappeared and appeared behind him. It used its tail to slam him down.
She opened her mouth, leapt forward. Her wings started shining, a sure sign of her going to use Steel Wing. Before she could, shadows bound her to her brother. The creature then materialized fully, allowing her to take a full look at it.
It looked like a large basilisk-like dragon, with six legs, red eyes, large spiked wings, and curved golden gleaming talons. It stood taller than Xearneas in his Pokemon form, but shorter than her. As she watched, the shadows seemed to obey it, forming small wyrms.
What was interesting was its aura. There wasn't any, apart from the small flickers of Chaos that clustered around its mask once in a while.
It began shrinking, turning into a pale, thin figure, swathed by shadows. He had a golden circlet on his head, with a beak-like point going down his nose. He was dressed entirely in black, with a tattered red and black scarf that fluttered in the wind behind him. A further glanced showed her that he also wore red, albeit under the black cloak he had on. He wore golden boots, and his silver eyes showed no emotion. She could slightly make out the edges of his wings, spiked with red points. He also seemed to have gold pincer-like bracelets, one each on his wrists and ankles. A serpentine tail swished behind him.
Xearneas spoke, getting up from the ground. Despite having an immunity to Dragon, he seemed to have bruises from being slammed down onto the ground.
" Who are you, No Spirit? Foul dragon, be gone." He had obviously noticed the lack of aura this strange shadow had. Xearnea’s horns had started glowing golden.
The other stepped forward.
"Am I right in presuming you are from the land beyond Unova, known as Kalos?" His voice was expressionless, like his eyes. As if he had stopped worrying about anything.
She gave a slight tilt of her head.
“Come, then.” He sounded bored. “Arceus will be ready to greet you.” He walked-no, he floated ahead, feet hardly touching the ground.
Time and Space seemed to distort as he ripped open a rift, revealing the Reverse World. While her brother looked on with disgust at such a chaotic world, she stared at it with wonder.
It was beautiful, rich dark energies coiling around their dimension. She felt more at home here than her native home. She could stay here, without guilt.
She stepped inside.
He looked different, now having tendrils of darkness, tipped with a red spike, coming from his shoulders. The circlet had grown another point, opposite the beak. When he looked up, his form flickered, eyes bright red.
“Stay here,” he said, quietly, urgently. He then vanished, as though he was a ghost.
She had an urge to follow him. Ignoring the Moonblast that Xearneas fired at her, counter-attacking with a Steel Wing, she followed the dragon, having no idea where to go, just following him.
Finally, she arrived in a small cave, where she found him. He was fighting what seemed to be his conscience, except that in this distorted world, it was real. It had already scratched him on both of his arms, leaving ugly scars.
She used Dark Pulse, hitting the shimmering thing. It vanished. He looked like he had been kicked in the chest. He glared at her.
“Why did you come here in the first place?” he spat, angry.
Why did she? Why didn’t she just stay there with Xearneas, to meet Arceus? Why?
The look he gave her had looked mainly angry and cold, but also something else.
He… felt lonely, like her. He felt neglected, like her.
“I’m like you,” she murmured. He glanced at her, meeting her eyes fully. For once, she noticed his emotions, slightly surprised. Seemed like the eyes were the window to the soul after all.
She flew to him, and sat next to him. “I was never liked as the Destruction Pokemon. They had yearly rituals to keep me away from the sick, talismans to protect them from me. They hated me just because I existed.”
He laughed shortly. “My siblings, Diagla and Palkia, they have shrines devoted to them. They get a festival every year. Me? They call me the King of Ghosts. They have a day devoted to me, but out of fear, so that I won’t devour them. They call it All Hallow’s Eve.
I am also known as King of the Underworld. It is horrible. Every time I see someone dying a particularly gruesome death, it takes away a piece of my soul, until there is none left.” His gaze grew sad, and bitter, again. “We cannot change who we are.” He took her hand, his hand feeling cold and icy. It sent tingles up her spine.
“You may know me as Giratina.”
“I am Yvetal.”
They sat like that for a while, each enjoying the others company. Eventually, he kissed her, and she kissed him back.
She was Death. He was Chaos.
Maybe they could be happy in each other’s company.
-No idea if Yvetal can actually learn Steel Claw/Wing or Dark Pulse. Made up. Though Dark Pulse will probably be likely.
-In my universe (What I call GijinkaVerse, seeing as I have a
fondness for making the legendaries gijinkas xD) Yvetal acts as a Deputy of Death. Giratina is the master of the underworld. I don't care if Zygarde is, once they release the lore. GIRATINA IS ALWAYS BOSS.
-I also have a headcanon that all legendaries were created in their own way. They just come to Arceus to be recognised.
-Yvetal, seeing as it's the Destruction Pokemon, can see auras. So can Xearneas and Zygarde, seeing as their abilities are about auras. The Creation Trio, and Lucario can as well, since they can learn Aura Sphere.
-Giratina is actually one of my OCs, Shard. He actually does have those scars.
-I made Yvetal female because…. Urggg… In my opinion making Xearneas male looks right…
-Auras are actually the soul.
-You’re free to try and draw using these descriptions of legendarys.
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.