"I'm bored..........Ooh!I remember,I was out in the forest looking
for some Pecha Berries until I found to packs of pizza and 2 large
bottles of Cola,well,we have to cook the pizza and well I'm a
chef!I know how to bake,boil,fry,roast and barbecue :D So let's get
this party started! :D" *Mousa get's bitten by something on the
"A Mosquito doesn't have a big mouth like that,it was way harder!"
*Mousa says while rolling on the floor holding his neck* "It even
has marks of such a big bite plus it's bleeding,ahh!!!" *faints
with blood coming out of his neck*
*wakes up* "I have to tell you ,it wasn't a mosquito,it was like
you biting me n the neck but I'm getting a feeling none you were
there,and I always know if a mosquito is anywhere near my body
:S,so let's get back to making the pizza and having a party :D"
*Goes to the the oven*I got toppings on the way too,there was no
way I'm gonna make it without it"
"Ooh,I guess there are 3 masterchef,okay,I'll focus on the
dough,Jewel start cutting the olives,jalapenos,chicken and
Thorn,you grate the cheese" *start making the dough*