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~ The Unova Trainers ~ a pokemon RP (open and accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP ~ The Unova Trainers ~ a pokemon RP (open and accepting)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,187
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 01:24 (9 Years ago)
" things are going well here" I said

"Whynut join?"'riolu asked

"I can't, you are lv.10 after beating 17 wild Pokemon

"Come to think of it...." Riolu said
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 01:27 (9 Years ago)
*then rosa got a call on the Xtransever*"hey its me renember come battle me at the front of the pokemon center"yuric said and turned it off

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 228
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 01:31 (9 Years ago)
I ran over to the pokemart . "I would like 5 potions please" I said. "That would be 1000 pokedollors miss" the clerk said
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 01:36 (9 Years ago)
"where is she"yuric thought

"sni snivy sni sni snivy"snivy said(i knew that oshawott would be late)

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 228
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 01:58 (9 Years ago)
I walked slowly while Oceania ran. I looked at the necklace now on my neck
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 05:08 (9 Years ago)
(dont tell me its mega evolution)"ah its time to go come on snivy on to route 2

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,187
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 05:37 (9 Years ago)
(Oshawott can't mega evolve unless she captured a Pokemon that can P.S. Any Pokemon can appeare here Bwt no legends)

"Ok" I said running toward straiton city (I'm a fast runner) I dashed at rout 2 and riolu hanging on my shoulder, "Made it!" Aura said
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 05:58 (9 Years ago)
after lots of trainer battles on route 2 they made it straiton city "ready for our first gym battle snivy?"yuric said

"sni snivy"snivy said(ready as ever)

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,187
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 06:22 (9 Years ago)
I went into the gym where Cilan,Cress and Chili are

"chose one" tjeu said

"I will battle chili!" i said

"yeah is 1 on 1 fine with you?" he asked sending out pansere

"sure!" i said sending out riolu and checked the pokedex

"battle begin" cilan said

"pansere use fury swipes!" Chili said

"dodge and use quick attack, then counter it with force palm" I said

so it work and...Chili's Pokemon got weak

"Use flamethwoer!" He said

Riolu took a critical hit

"ok riolu..." i said as riolu punched pansere

"Fire punch!" Chili said but.."thw winner is Aura" Cilian said

"how come?!" Chili asked seeing his pansere fainted

"you used drain punch right?" Cilian asked me

"yes" i said

"heres the trio badge" Cilian said

I attatched it to my case

"ok bye" i said to them dashing to the pokemon center

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 18:02 (9 Years ago)
when yuric got to the gym he went inside and bumped into aura not seeing what happened while snivy pulled him to the gym and then he woke up
"ok gym leaders which one now"yuric said
ill battle cress
"it would be on honer"said cress

"each side will use 1 pokemon only battle begin"chili said
"alright snivy your up"yuric said
"come out panpour"cress said

"a panpour wow alright then snivy use leer"yuric said

*panpour's defence fell*

"panpour use tackle"cress said

"ugh snivy are you okey"yuric said

"sni snivy snivy"snivy said(just a scratch... or a lot)

"snivy use vine whip"yuric said

*super effective along with leer*

"panpour is unable to battle so snivy wins meaning yuric is the winner"chili said

"here you go the trio badge"cilen said

"thanks i got the trio badge"yuric said

"sni snivy"snivy said (yes!!)

and they ran out to the pokemon center

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 228
Posted: Mon, 25/08/2014 20:41 (9 Years ago)
As I went to route 2 I noticed that the water drop gem started glowing a bright yellow. I ignored it and started training Oceania.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Tue, 26/08/2014 04:37 (9 Years ago)
once yuric and snivy got rested they went to route 3 and caught a female pidove on the way to nacrene city once he got there he decided to do some training at the battle clup training area before battleing the gym leader since he heard it was tough

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,187
Posted: Tue, 26/08/2014 11:25 (9 Years ago)
Aura woke up

"are you ok?" Riolu asked me

"im fine lets go to route 3!" Aura said seeing a wild Lilipup (girl)

"ok,lets do this!" Aura said "Riolu, drain punch"

*lilipup has 1hp*

"pokeball go!"

1...2...3... *clicks*

Aura send lilipup out ans healed her and continude until she saw the day care
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 228
Posted: Tue, 26/08/2014 22:11 (9 Years ago)
"Yes! You are ready to evolve" I said. Oceania started glowing. Hen she was a Dewott. (Don't yell at me because of this I do it before every first gym battle (yes I do this but when that evolve they have a good chance of winning) )
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Tue, 26/08/2014 22:14 (9 Years ago)
yuric was training with snivy for a long time and snivy started to glow"is that what i think it is snivy's evolving"yuric said (snivy evolved to servine)(actually i play pokemon white and my oshawott evolved soon after the first gym also so its fine put on logic)"Ok snivy return"yuric said come out pidove lets start training pidove and they were off training

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 228
Posted: Tue, 26/08/2014 22:22 (9 Years ago)
"I do have a seel in my box from my mom" I said "but it just hatched"
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,187
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 10:10 (9 Years ago)
"So Riolu happy?" Aura asked

"Yup! Lilipup should be to"

"Yes!" she said and Riolu and Lilipup evolve (I was training)


"wow! lets head off then!" i said dashing off

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 320
Posted: Wed, 27/08/2014 19:06 (9 Years ago)
"here it is the nacrene gym lets go team"yuric said

yuric opened the doors and the gym leader was there

"so youre here for a gym battle eh"lenora said
"you bet"yuric said

lenora sends out herdier

yuric sends out servine

battle begin

herdier uses take down

servine dodges

herdier then hurts itself

servine uses leaf tornado (learned right before evolving)

herdier uses work up

servine uses leaf tornado

herdier is unable to battle

servine gets reterned

lenora sends out watchdog

yuric sends out pidove

battle begin

watchdog use retaliate -does double damage since it was after a pokemon fainted-

pidove uses leer

watchdog uses mean look

pidove uses another leer

watchdog uses retailiate

pidove is unable to battle

servine is sent back out

watchdog uses work up

servine uses leaf tornado and it hit a critical

watchdog is unable to battle

servine wins which means the winner is yuric

"here you are,you deserve this the basic badge"lenora said

"i got the basic badge 2 out of 8,6 more to go"yuric said

"ser servine"servine said "pidove pidove"pidove said

and yuric runs to the pokemon center

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 228
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 00:39 (9 Years ago)
After battling clyon and won I ran over to the pokemon center to heal Oceania and get seel "OK I got seel and let's now train him to level 18 like you" so I ran to route 3
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 1,187
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 06:14 (9 Years ago)
Aura manages to get to Nacarene city and challenge the gym
"go herdier!" lenora said

"all yours herdier!" i said back

"use realitate" Lenora said

"use take down!" i said

*hits the opponent herdier and dameges itself a little*

Lenora's herdier fainted

"return, go wachog!" she said "mean look!"

"waaaaa" wachog said

"Use flamethrower!" I said as it hit wachog

-wachog fainted-

"YOU win the BaSiC badge" Lenora said

"THanks!" i said walking out ans saw some grunts after i healed my team

"Hey YOU BATTLE ME!" he called out

"ok" i said

"Purrlion!" he said

"lucario!" i said

"aura sphere!"

*Purrlion fainted*

"gah!" he said as he returned his purrlion and ran away dropping something

*Aura picks it up*

"TEam Plasma..." She said dashing with her Lucario to castellia city