rs after Archeus being corrupted... everything went in
flames,Bad guys taking over almost everywhere... Legendaries not
able to do anything or being captured or controlled... as same as
non legendaries but are at more risks since they can now die
easly... will you try to stop it or join the bad guys?
Human Or Pokémon Species:
Pokémon:(Trainer Only)
Good Or Evil?:
Human Or Pokémon Species:A Reshiram
Age/Level:Level 70
History:To Be Releaved
Good Or Evil?:Good
Pokemon Species: Darkrai
Username: Ghost_Rayquaza
Name: Sage
Age/Level: 9
Gender: Female
Appearance: A normal Darkrai
Pokemon(Trainer only):
History: Not known
Other: ...
Good or evil?: Good
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
Auraora walked and flew up to a high up rock looking down she seen
many pokemon,even Flame then roared hoping tog et there attention
'We have to get away from here! Team plasma is coming!"Auraora said
saying it loud
Auraora suddenly ehard a blast seening rocks fall from somewhere
below where she was standing,fllying down she tried to stop the
rocks helping other sescape then ran but her wing getting stuck by
a rock falling on it "HELP!"
Rock slide where coming by controlled rock pokemon,some small
pokemon where trapped in as the rocks falled,loud enough that
anyone could hear it "h... ELP!"Auraora screamed again seening more
rocks falling
Sage looked over at the reshiram that made the noise. Sage was
slightly angry,But wanted the bad noises to end. Sage fired shadow
balls at the rocks on the poor reshiram.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
The rocks broke and as well as the rocks blocking the way for the
tiny pokemon,Auraora got up "Thanks"Auraora said then flyed off
seening many pokemon going the same way to safety before seening...
a palkia and dilaga "No..."Auraora though
Auraora landed seening a scientist captured sage about to fire a
fusion flare she was hit by something and captured in a cage OH
COME ON"Auraora said trying to escape the cage but it was fire
proof (brb)