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Yuki-chan's Diary

Forum-Index Diaries Yuki-chan's Diary
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Wed, 18/03/2015 15:57 (9 Years ago)
Hey, I'm back again XDD

Anyway, today I'm so happy, since I finally have lots of PD again XDD

And today, I got a shiny Weedle from EternityOfMagic X3

Here she is:

She's so cute right? XDD
I'm keeping here as a Weedle XDD

Anyway, that's all I'm going to say for today, thanks for reading and have a nice day XDD

Edit: I got a new badge!

You obtained a new badge (Plushie Cuddler)!

Kyaaah~ I'm so happy X3

Editing again~

EternityOfMagic gave me my other shiny Weedle, and luckily, he's a male X3

Here he is:

He's so cute~ X3
Still keeping him as a Weedle XDD

Anyway, that's all again for today, see you later diary ^^
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Sat, 21/03/2015 10:40 (9 Years ago)
I actually wanted to update this yesterday, but oh well *shrugs*
Hi there Diary! I missed you soooo much *hugs*

Anyway, yesterday I got a shiny female Combee (now Vespiquen) from Rini00 X3

Here she is:

Getting it is hard, but it's worth it XDD
I think it's the 15th Vespiquen on site XDD
And now I also request a shiny male Combee. Hope I get it soon XDD

And today, I also request for another 2 shiny Weedle (so I can evolve them), and a mega-able Weedle from EternityOfMagic. Hope I can get them soon XDD
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 15:51 (9 Years ago)
Alright, so it's been *squints* around 2 weeks since I last post ^^'
I was about to post yesterday... And the day before that... And the day before... //shots

Anyway, I finally hatched my Shiny Nidoran (f) around 2 days ago squeeee

I finally evolved her yesterday, and she's the 3rd Nidoqueen on site <3

Here she is:

I don't know what to name her, and I thought her color was chocolate at first XDD
PM/Palpad me if you have a better nickname for her ;3

Anyway, I already got 2 shiny Weedles and a (female) mega-able Weedle EternityOfMagicX3

And I also already got another male Combee that I ordered from Rini00

Here he is:

And also I trade a mega-able Scyther for a mix of 180 Psychic/Electric gems

Here he is:

And today, I also a mega-able Y (female) Charmander from Professor Rowan!

Here she is:

I actually wanted a mega-able X (male) Charmander and named him Toothless, but oh well XDD

And also yesterday, a friend of mine, UzumakiNaruto, needs 2 Miltanks and Combees, and so I traded it to him, and he traded 2 back with a Phione and Regirock. And today, since I want to start hunting a mega-able X (male) Charmander, he gave me 50k... I need to do something ;;A;;

And also yesterday, I got a new friend named ReiNero. We got close pretty quickly, he's a really nice person. And yesterday, Riako updated the dream shop and there are mega X Charizards plushie. I stupidly make a feed, saying I wish I get that plushie, although my DP is depleted. And suddenly, I got a notif saying he sent me a mega X Charizard plushie (that costs 100 DP!). I need to return that plushie later ;;A;;

And also today, another friend of mine, misue, Palpadded me after I make a feed about needing a Green key, since she have one. Since she didn't want PD, I tried to trade it with my Dark Blue key. After a few banters, she threaten to send me 100k If I didn't cancel my offer. I was about to cancel it, but she already accept. Since there's no new notif about my PD, I'm happy that she accept it. But a few minutes later, I received a notf saying that she sent me more than 100k PD. I of course sent it back to her, but she sent it back again and threaten to send 200k PD if I don't accept it. I then sent her lots of Magicarps plushie (since she said she wants them as exchange), but then she sent me lots of plushie that I needed... I also need to return them ;;A;;

And today, I finally got the retro Ducklett after lots of tries in the Pikachu jumping game XDD

Welp, that's a pretty long list that I've been writing *scrolls up and down*
Anyway, it's already late *looks at the clock that says it's almost 11 PM*
Welp, past my bedtime (which is 10 PM)
And so, I'll stop rambling now then.
Thanks for reading, and good morning/day/night to you my lovely diary <3
And readers X'D
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Wed, 13/05/2015 11:19 (9 Years ago)
Welp.... Uh.... It's been a month... And I'm sorry I forgot about you again! ;;^;;
Please forgive me, my sweet cute little diary X'D

Anyways, a lot has been going on, and I kind of forgot about you >.> I'm pretty happy ^^'

Anyways, for some kind of weird reasons, luck has finally come back to me woohoo! \o/ And I won two raffles. One from r0ad07 (A shiny Lapras), and Glameress (a shiny Ralts). I'm so happy ;;^;;

And also, a few days ago, I traded my mega-able Y Charizard for a Caterpie from hoodlor

Here he is:

I actuall want a female Caterpie, but I'll just hunt it later, I guess X'D

And, I also hatched a shiny male Charmander a few weeks ago, I guess., and I trade it to a friend of mine for 201 nuggets. I need them so bad X'D

I'm currently still shiny hunting a Plusle (my favorite Pokemon <3), and I hope I can finish it as soon as possible. And I hope it's a female X'D

Oh, last, I also posted here a few days ago, and after paying around 150k or so, I should get 2 shiny Porygon and a shiny Rotom after the new year. But I'm also going to help him hunt them later~ ;3

Welp, that's all for now, I guess. I want to continue updating you, but I'm only allowed to play on computer a day before holiday, or holday. And most of the time, I just use my phone And kind of forget you X'D

Anyway, good morning/day/night to you my sweet little diary~ <3
And readers X'D
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Wed, 17/06/2015 08:56 (9 Years ago)
So... It's been a month since I last write here... Please forgive your forgetful owner, o my loveliest diary~ //shot because forgetting and messing up English X'D

Anyway, my Magikarp hunt still hasn't finished I'm getting a bit frustated X'D and someone asked me to hunt a Dedenne for 200 nuggets. When am I going to finish this?! X'D

Anyway, I traded my shiny Caterpie using the SWT (Shiny Wonder Trade). and after trading for a while, currently have another male Buneary that's already up and ready for another trade XDD

Also, I'm feeling a bit depressed... Aw, you cared?... Nah, I know you wouldn't but I'll tell you anyway :p
So yesterday or was it the day before? :/ I traded my mega Carvanha because it's a female I'm so stupid right? X'D and 3 persons offered on it. I was looking for a mix of 250 Water and Dark gems and also nuggets. The first person only have 222 Water gems, but after negotiating a bit, she didn't responded. The second person offered 200 nuggets, but I told him to wait. The third is the current winner, since she offered 350 nuggets. I accept that, and began setting up the GTS when she was online. I told her to send the nuggets first, but she refused, saying that I should accept the trade first. I did that of course, since I am stupid X'D and threaten to report her if she didn't want to send the nuggets. And when I was about report her, her userpage says she already got locked permanently... My poor little Carvanha ;;w;;

Ah welp, at least to day is better, I guess... And today, my uncle and aunt who had been living pretty far away would come and lived with my family and I for a day~ I don't care if it's only a day, but I'm happy they're visiting us~ X3
I hope everything would be okay~ X3

Anyway, that's all for now, there's a lot that I want to tell you, but my hands kind of hurts, and my mom's already annoyed that I played games now and not swiping my room's floor, since that's where my uncle and aunt are going to sleep.

Bye Diary~ I'll try to update things soon~ ;3
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Tue, 23/06/2015 13:00 (8 Years ago)
Alright, almost a week, but I made it~ X3 s[]I'm finally not forgetting you, oh my cutest diary, aren't you happy? //shot and beaten[/s]
Aww... I love you too~ X'D

Anyway, today I got a badge~ X3

By Badges Report - 8 Hours and 37 Minutes ago. You obtained a new badge (Search for gold)!

I'm so happy~ X3

Today, someone ordered a shiny Shinx for 107 nuggets~ X3
And if I'm not wrong, someone also ordered a shiny Dedenne for 200 nuggets. I'm happy and all, but I still haven't finished my Magikarp shiny hunt ;;w;;

Chain 152 and still no shiny... Help~ ;;A;;

Welp, that's all for now, I guess. I hope I can finish everything soon. And good morning/day/afternoon/night to you all~ X3
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Mon, 10/08/2015 15:12 (8 Years ago)
Okay, I'm just going to be short here, since I'm a bit busy with school X'D

I don't really hate school, but I don't like it either. It's just that, why must teachers torture their students, who they should be called as their own, with too much homework?! Don't they know that they are killing us, students, mentally with this?! ... Please forgive me about that... I'm a bit stressed with school X'D

And also, now I somehow hate Magikarp chain. I mean, really, 305 and no shiny… At all?! I mean, sure, I now have 2 mega-able Magikarps, but I only need one mega-able, and a shiny! Derps, I don’t even care about the mega-able, I just want to finish this chain and get at least a shiny already ;;A;;
Is my luck really that bad?! ;;A;;

Welp, I felt better~ X’3
Anyway, I’ll just cut this short for now since, hello, homeworks still waiting to be finished X’D
Welp, I’ll try to update you again Diary, toodles~ ;3
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Sun, 01/05/2016 12:19 (8 Years ago)
Wow... Almost one year... Maybe I should hold off not writing for at least 4 months again *narrowly missed a chair being thrown* Okay, okay! I understand! I'll start writing now X'D

Anyway, hello my cute, lovely, awesome little diary~ I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to write anything this past few months ^^'
I'm busy with school and all that stuffs.

Anyway, mom's mad, so I'll probably update you again later X'D

Love you diary~ <3
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Thu, 12/05/2016 14:55 (8 Years ago)

I'm so sad right now. Today is my high school graduation day, and I just, I can't help but tear up a bit when I thought that I probably won't meet most of my friends again for a few years because of collage ;;A;;
And the fact that I still can't confess to a certain someone X'D

I mean like, I really, really admire a friend of mine's courage. Like, she literally confess to the person she likes that she likes him after our school's exam. And the shocking fact that he's actually my French teacher! even though I have a hunch that she like him from a long time ago X'D
Welp, according to her story, my teacher neither accept nor reject her, it's more like after she said that he's too shocked to say anything else,but she's convinced that he actually didn't see or like her like she did to him... Sorry if this is wrong X'D

And then there's me. And I still can't say anything. Derps, I really hate myself right now. Just, ugh, why can't I just say that to his face?! And maybe say that I'm joking if he reject me! [size=6]Which is what he'd probably do since he already has a GF, if the rumours are true... X'D

Ah welp, nothing I can do again right now.... *sigh* I'm so frustrated with myself... I'm sorry if this is weird Diary, I just felt like writing this up to let this out X'D

Sorry for disturbing you, and thank you for hearing me out Diary. I love you~ <3
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 1,094
Posted: Mon, 11/09/2017 17:24 (6 Years ago)
Um, hello? Anyone? Diary?

*cricket voices*

Alright so welp, I gotta say, my very first year in college had been very... Interesting, and quite hectic, in my opinion. I'm still busy with projects and stuff, but I find more time than I did last year XDD

So anyway, a lot had happened. One of those things is that I didn't get into the college I really wanted. Rather than getting into a public college my father used to go to years ago (which I promised myself years ago ever since I was just a kid to go into), I managed to get into a private college nearby. The place is pretty nice, and I got into the subject I like (Multimedia, or mostly like design) even though most of the lecturers are kind of stingy with scores and I barely pass most of the time X'D. And welp, I made some new friends (yay me!) so I guess it's fun XDD

Anyway, I've been neglecting PH for a long while, although I hope I'd be able to play more here soon. And fix a lot of things like my shop and everything XDD
And maybe search for my 1 year old customer who asked me to shiny hunt for them X'D
Some of them seems to have gone offline for long, and I'm pretty sure the others had already forgot about me XDD

And welp in any case, all I wanna say is that I'd probably come back again later. I still have friends here, and I do love shiny hunting even though waiting for them to hatch is a real pain, but I think it's still worth it.
And I'm still annoyed at the fact I could't get Lunala and Solgaleo since I didn't log in on advent days last year X'D

Welp, that's that I guess. It's already 12 AM here and I gotta wake up early tomorrow! Hope I'd live X'D
Love you Diary~ <3