"King of the dark forces.. COME!"A Abxol said jumping out of the
darkenss chasing after the minnco "I Did,i think there attacking
the castle!"Auraora said
The minnco tripped and rolled into a basket of towls,The Absol
thinking it was gone now it ran off,The miinco then went to hid on
now "I don't know.."Auraora said
Auraora woke up sicne she was sleeping for a little then went to
luna wondering wat was happening "Where going now?"Auraora says
then seen a minnco pass by getting chassed by a houndoom
Auraora fired a aura sphere hitting the houndoom seening a collar
fall off of the pokemon and was cofnsued "THIS IS WERID"Auraora
said cofnsued about this