Forum Thread
Poke Giveaway
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Poke GiveawayPokémon Wanted: Gible and Mawile
How Many: 2 Gible and 1 Mawile
Gender: Male and female (Gible) & Female (Mawile)
AtlanticAvenger, it is set up.
Yuucchii, I do not have any Gibles left as they are all up in the GTS for other users who asked before you. I'm sorry. Is there any other pokemon you may want from my storages?
BurningAsh, they are set up, please go and claim them. The only other female Mareep I had just evolved, so I will send it over, if you don't want her, then just post here saying so.
Blackwingneos, I am all out of Gible. I'm sorry.
Spencer, same to you. I'm sorry but I'm out of Gible.
Eeveelution8, Again, I have no Gible, but I will send the Mawhile right away. Please go claim her.

Pokémon Wanted: Gible and Gothita
How Many: 3 Gible and 3 Gothita
Gender:Does not matter
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