You wake up in a cage.It is cramped with rusty bars and
electos on the edges creating a electric barrier.You look around to
see tons of other pokemon.There is a window leading to a factory
easy to see and large.About 20 pikachus and 10 riachus stand being
forced to use their electricity to power the electronics and
power.A ursaring is standing where a crusher should be using hammer
arm to crush blocks of plastic.Two abras use psychic to move the
flat chunk into place of a mold.Then several zubats carry it into a
dark room were they then fly back out.
Trainer Forum~
Pokémon Team:
My Form:
Name:Auraora and Storm
Pokemon-Shadow Lugia/Lugia
Age-both 20
Personaility:Auraora is usally shy and friendly but Storm is the
serious type
History:To be Told
Other:They are a pwoerfull force together
Pokemon Forum~
Username- red_the_lugia
Name- Link Sharpgrass
Pokémon- servine
Age: 16
Gender: male
Apperance: you should know it by now.
History: slight amnesiac (for this only)
Other:same ability : )
(isn't shadow lugia a thing made from humans only one in
Pokemon Forum~
Pokémon-Artic vulpix
Apperance:She is the artic type of vulpixs meaning she lives In the
snow and her fur is white
History:Nothing about her..
Other:she a kinda rare breed but not that rare
(sorry but is it ok if I don't roleplay with some people on this
(Im gonna be a anrator XD) As pokemon where being trapped in cages
a fight between two legendaries where happening... A Shadow lugia
and a lugia,irt qas happening in between a empty island
Auraora and Storm both fired attacks at each other not noticing
something was coming towards them,but they where captured soonly
taken over sea to be tested on since they where both... rare
pokemon (Do you mean the one in XD?)
Trainer Forum~
Username: Corebess
Name: Delujay
Age: 13
Gender: M
Personality: Nice and helpful, but a little bit shy
Pokémon Team: Lucario, Luxray, Metagross, Heracross, Regice,
History: He saved a Riolu and shinx at age 9 from an angry
Zangoose, and was best friends with them ever since. He soon fully
evolved the both of them, and then went on a journey. He defeated
the Chanpion of the Unova, Kanto and Johto region's, but never held
his position, because he loved to travel with his pokemon. After
turning 13, he decided to search for the legendary Regice in the
Icy Cavern of the Rantos region (Made up :p) and after days of
searching, he finally found and captured Regice. To this day, he is
one of the most powerful trainers in the world
Other: He looks like Red, but shorter, wears a green hoodie, and a
silver watch
(Accepted! Maybe you could be one of the traienrs to captured one
of my charaters?)\r\nAuraora slowly woke up seening Storm,she
slowly growled before seenigns sometype of glass firing a attack at
it it didn't break "Oh no.."Auraora though