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Cheshires Pointless Rants

Forum-Index Diaries Cheshires Pointless Rants
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 11/08/2014 17:23 (9 Years ago)
This thread is dedicated to hold the opinions/debates that I have in mind and their justification. You are NOT allowed to post here. However, if you are against my thinking, feel free to PM me and I'll counter your argument here.

Basic Info:
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Name: M.A_Cheshire. Duh.

Gender: Female (I'm really nice! Seriously, I ain't no brat.)

Age: I'm potato so the mass of the moon is equal to cherry.

Personality type(MB test): INFP (Took me a while to suck in the fact that a computer test knows who I am rather than me myself XD).

Personality type(self proclaimed): I'm a really eccentric person who gets inspired from the least likely things. I love to confuse people and play with their minds and I love trickery hence why I love the Cheshire cat and foxes. But, I'm also pretty serious and noble. So to put my personality in easy words, I'm...why do I care to answer this thing again? You talk to me, and find out what type of person I am =p Also, I am a perfectionist at heart.

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual and Straight.

Hogwarts house: Gryffindor (Hah!).

Celestial sign: Leo Rawr!

Favorite Color: Black. Why do I love Black? It's because it doesn't get influenced by any other color, plus, it's so mysterious.

Favorite day: Friday. I love Friday.

Favorite Band: Imagine Dragons and 5 seconds of Summer.

Favorite Artist(music): Jason Derulo and Avril Lavigne

Favorite Song: Bleeding out by Imagine Dragons and Rock and Roll by Avril Lavigne

Favorite animal: Foxes and Cats. I just fricken love foxes and I love cats because of the lions and tigers. Also, I love lions because of the influence they have at the heart.

Favorite Food: Seriously? Should that even be a question? In this case, I can eat...Any. Fricken. Thing.

Favorite Animated series(cartoon): The looney toons show. I love 'em sho much! >=3 Who wouldn't want to whack out in a land and not die?! =D

Favorite animated series(Anime): Fairy Tail. (There is a huge effin' difference between cartoons and anime! Even if the both of them are animated, they have different origins). Also, I used to watch Pokemon and then gave up on the latest regional seasons because the X and Y series are so boring! D=

Favorite overall animated character: The entire Sinnoh Saga characters from the manga, anime and games in Pokemon. They top my list. I don't hate anybody from that region

Favorite Game: P.M.D series and Pokemon Rumble Wii. I love 'em!

Favorite Generation: Gen 4

Favorite Animated Seasons: Season 10 till whatever season it ended at XD Let's admit it people, the best thing that happened to Pokemon is the coming of the 4th generation.

Favorite character(In game): It's gotta be Pearl/Jun/Barry. He's, without a doubt, one hell of a powerful rival.

Favorite character(Anime): Paul/Shinji, Cilan, Clemont/Citron, Barry/Jun and Dawn/Hikari, Riley, Serena and Cynthia is also a probable choice.

Favorite Character(Manga): Pokemon trainer Pearl (mega crush on that guy O_O)

Favorite Pokemon: Make that a lot of favorite Pokemon. They're Piplup(the prideful one), Gible(the gluttonous yet powerful fool), Shinx(the one who's always under estimated but turns out to be the hero in the end), Suirtle(I loved these ever since I got the starter egg to hatch <3), Starly(The most reliable one), Cyndaquil(the one who's timid but can fire up a punch when their close ones are threatened), Treeko(the one who's always composed) and Zorua(the trickster). I LOVE their final forms/second stages just as much! Especially the Pokemon from Sinnoh.

Absolute Favorite Pokemon(ordinary): You tricky questionnaire you x3 It's Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon forever and ever!

Favorite Pokemon(Legend): The Sinnoh Legends and Zekrom.

Absolute Favorite Pokemon(Legend): DIALGA FOR-EVAH!

Favorite Shipping: Pearlshipping(Those two ruined my life in a good way), Cavaliershipping(Cause Wynaut?), Contestshipping(Seriously? Even after all the hints those two don't know that they like eachother?), Geekchicshipping(The title is cute. So is the pairing ), Amourshiping(it's cute, I love the way Serena acts around Ash. Makes me want to torture her about that crush soo much x3), Wishfulshipping(Cilan is a pretty great character), Sequelshipping(I'm in love with this one =3), and Novelshipping(Misty is the only girl besides Dawn who doesn't get intimidated by Paul). Were you expecting Twinleaf? No, I only think of Dawn and Barry having a brother-sister relationship. You'll ALWAYS notice that that Barry and Dawn are either best-friends or brother and sister in my fics.

Absolute Favorite shipping: Pearlshipping. I do like the others though

Pokemon fan since: 2008 and counting...

What do you like most about Pokemon?: The concept that animals have the ability to understand humans and interact with them alongside the whole magical abilities and moves. The whole concept is just so brilliant!

I'll start ranting in the other posts. If you want to be updated and are interested in finding out some pretty cool things, feel free to subscribe ^^