"If they guard the entrance they didn't do a very good job keeping
me out," Obsidian said, "I wandered in here when I was still quite
young, This place is home to me now."
After Talon heard Obsidian, he flew towards the voice. "I was hit
by a flying type, not you Pyroar." Talon said as he looked at
Auraora. "You would have burned me." He said.
"I Guess they only attack supious people,not young ones"Auraora
said then finding the legendary keeper of this place... GIRATINA "I
Havnet seen him in a long time.... A LONGGGG TIMEEE"Auraora said
"Also I only attack people if they try anything dangerous to my
friends or family"
"It looks like Giratina used this place for ghost/dark types but is
now angrey other types are coming and are trying to kill the other
types"Auraora said givig talon something that says it
"Well im going if giratina will find any of us"Auraora said goning
after a thing she seen "guys come! I think I seen
something!"Auraora said passing by some purple treese turning
Suddenly two pokemon stopped Auraora,they where a two cubones "Why
are you here? no supcious people pass!"They said "Well where here
to vivst.."Auraora said seening the cubones get out of the way
Glancing at the Cubone's as they went by, Obsidian muttered, "I
know most of the Pokemon in the forest, but I've never seen those
Cubone's before. They don't look like they recently arrived either,
"It looks like those cubones are just trying to keep graverobbers
or otherthigns out of here"Auraora said going past the cubones
eening the pokemon tower,from lavender town "I Wonder what other
places there are"
Spotting Blast surrounded by assorted Pokemon, Obsidian quickly ran
over. "What's going on?" she asked. "I have no idea, I came here to
think and they caught me, I just escaped, they surrounded me and
here we are now," he replied.
(I'm going to edit my post with a form for Blast btw)
"Well hello Marowak!"Auraora said not seening the pokemon in a few
eyars since team rocket took over the homes of are places "Maybe I
cana sk her something.."Auraora though